Concord University Board of Governors

Concord University Board of Governors Officers
Concord University Board of Governors Members
Board membership guidelines & terms are established by the WV Legislature.*
WV Code, Chapter 18B, Article 2A States:
Board Membership:
- A fulltime member of the Faculty with the rank of instructor or above duly elected by the Faculty.
- A Member of the Student Body in good academic standing, enrolled for college credit work and duly elected by the Student Body.
- A member of the Classified Employees duly elected by the Classified Employees.
- Nine Lay Members appointed by the Governor, of which no more than five may be from the same political party and at least five must be residents of the state.
- The Student Member serves for a term of one year. Each term begins July 1.
- The Faculty Member serves for a term of two years. Each term begins July 1. Faculty Members are eligible to succeed themselves for three additional terms, not to exceed a total of eight years.
- The Classified Member serves a term of two years. Each term begins July 1. Classified Members are eligible to succeed themselves for three additional terms, not to exceed a total of eight consecutive years.
- The Appointed Lay Members serve terms of four years each and are eligible to succeed themselves for no more than one additional term, except when they are appointed to fill unexpired terms. When Lay Members are appointed to fill unexpired terms, they are eligible to succeed themselves for two full terms after completing the unexpired term.
*Additional information may be found at: WV Code, Chapter 18B, Article 2A.