Bonner Scholars Program

In 1991, the Corella and Bertram F. Bonner Foundation in Princeton, NJ, recognized Concord University’s commitment to community outreach and endowed the university with funds to support the Bonner Scholarship Program. The program provides up to 80 students each year with financial scholarships to support academic endeavors at the university. The students then provide support to their communities through service work, in addition to participating in leadership and personal development activities. It is the goal of the program to develop experienced, knowledgeable, and committed individuals who recognize the needs of our society and each person’s responsibility to serve throughout their lifetime.

Our Staff

The Bonner House is located on the front corner of campus adjacent to the Wilson Hall parking lot. It is a two-story brick house with the words “Bonner House” written above the front porch. The Bonner House may look like a house, but it is just the same as any other campus building. Come on in, we are open!