What comes to mind when you think about tutoring? Someone explaining a concept to you or coaching you through a difficult equation might come to mind. Not only do our well-trained and well-qualified tutors at Concord do that, they are also available to help students develop independent study skills, practice problem-solving, identify the most effective study strategies for exams, and leverage impactful learning techniques for success in class.

Tutoring services are free to all students and are available in multiple formats throughout the day. In fact, online tutoring is available 24-7! We know usual business hours might not work for all students, and we are happy to schedule in-person tutoring after business hours.

Check out the different types of tutoring available and how you can access tutors below. We are here to help you succeed in whatever way we can!

Types of Tutoring Concord University Offers

Drop-In Tutoring

Three girls reading books in the library

Any Concord student enrolled in classes is eligible to go to free drop-in tutoring sessions. Drop-in tutoring is available in the Learning Center – Marsh Library mezzanine. Due to this “open door” style of tutoring, multiple students can be assisted in multiple subjects throughout the day. Appointments are not necessary.

Our drop-in tutoring schedule can be viewed by clicking HERE or through Penji. Learn more about Penji in our FAQs section below!

Peer Tutoring

Two MBA students working on homework

Peer tutors encourage and assist students in reaching their academic potential. Tutors are selected based on their command of an academic subject area and strong interpersonal skills. Students chosen to be tutors have excellent study skills and habits enabling them to offer practical suggestions for academic achievement. Peer tutoring is available for approximately 130 classes!

Need specific help with writing? All students have access to free peer tutoring and more through the Writing Center located in Marsh Hall 307. Visit our Writing Center webpage to learn more!

Online Tutoring

A student working on her laptop

Concord students have access to 24/7 online professional tutoring FREE through tutor.com! Access tutor.com through any of your courses in Blackboard.

Additional online tutoring services include:

Grammarly: a free digital writing assistant to help you communicate clearly and effectively.

Khan Academy: a free online resource with over 3,200 videos with instruction on a variety of subjects.

Want to Schedule an Appointment?

Drop-In Tutoring & Peer Tutoring

Have a favorite tutor or would like to schedule a time to see a tutor in-person? We can do that! Just follow the steps below:

  1. Download or access the Penji app on your mobile device, or go to web.penjiapp.com
  2. After logging in, click on Learn
  3. Your current course schedule will display, and you will be prompted to to choose the class for which you are seeking tutoring
  4. Select from the tutors who offer tutoring for the class, and the days/times they tutor
  5. That’s it! If you wish, you can give the tutor a head’s up that you are coming

Don’t see a time that works for you? Contact us and we’ll be happy to arrange a tutoring session for you.

Online Tutoring

Good news! Access to online tutoring is available 24 hours a day,7 days a week through tutor.com. Just follow the steps below:

  1. Access the course for which you would like to receive tutoring in Blackboard
  2. Click on the tutor.com icon
  3. You’ll be taken to the tutor.com interface for your course
  4. Follow the prompts, and you’ll be connected to a tutor!

Additional Information

Where is In-person tutoring located?

All tutoring is conducted in a public location such as the Study & Tutoring Center (top floor of Marsh Library).

How Can I access Penji?

To access Penji, you can either download the Penji app on your mobile device, or access web.penjiapp.com from any web browser.

Use your regular CU login information to access Penji. Once you’ve logged in, click on Learn, and then View drop-in tutoring. From here, you can search for the class you are interested in, and it will pull up the schedule for when a tutor is available for that class.

Where can I find the drop-in tutoring schedule?

Click here to view the drop-in tutoring schedule!

What can tutoring be used for?

Here are some ideas of how you might use tutoring:

  1. Ask a tutor to proof a paper or discussion post.
  2. Practice a speech and ask for feedback.
  3. Brainstorm ideas for essays.
  4. Practice doing math (or any step by step process for that matter) and ask the tutor to prompt you if you get stuck.
  5. Get help choosing resources for research.
  6. If a professor went a little too fast explaining something, ask a tutor to go over it slowly.
  7. Have a tutor verbally quiz you using your notes/textbook.
  8. Read assigned chapters of your text out loud and discuss the main points.
  9. Ask a tutor to help you identify what may be on a test based on your textbook/notes.
  10. Ask a tutor to help you with mnemonic devices.
  11. Make flashcards.
  12. Get help with formatting and citations.
  13. Review a returned test or assignment and discuss corrections and improvements.
  14. Make a list of terms and explain them to your tutor in your own words.
  15. Get practical help with Blackboard or accessing textbooks, etc.
  16. Work on taking better notes by getting tips from a tutor.
  17. Use a tutor for accountability and start on a major assignment, working on it a little at a time.
  18. Rusty on programs like power point or excel? Ask a tutor for help.
  19. Ask a tutor if you “met the prompt” for an essay or discussion post.
  20. Improve on focused study time with a tutor (if you find you get distracted on your own).

Tutors must maintain an overall 3.0 GPA and have a minimum 3.0 GPA in courses tutored. Tutors must be at least a sophomore in college (have at least 30 earned hours). Tutors must have excellent oral and written communication skills, be able to work well with peers and supervisors, be sensitive to the needs of disadvantaged and disabled students, have a mastery of subject matter and the ability to relate course content.

To become a tutor, apply here: https://joinhandshake.com/

  1. Tutors will maintain confidentiality as outlined in the student employment agreement, and will comply with all student employee and University policies.
  2. Tutors will not criticize an instructor, professor or assignment.
  3. Tutors will never do a tutee’s assignment for them.
  4. Tutors will be trained to follow the code of ethics from the National Tutoring Association https://www.ntatutor.com/code-of-ethics.html
  5. Tutees must understand that tutoring cannot make up for frequently missing class or missing deadlines on assignments.
  6. Tutors and Tutees will not have family or friends “sit-in” during individual tutoring sessions.
  7. To maximize the benefits of tutoring, tutees should come prepared to sessions with assignments/study guides/notes/laptop, etc.

Concord University Mountain Lion Athletics is committed to seeing our athletes succeed – both in their sport and in the classroom. The GRIP program is designed to offer structured academic support for student athletes.

Student athletes who are required to log study table hours should check in and out through the fingerprint scanning system at the Learning Center front desk. Having difficulty? Ask the Learning Center monitor!

Not sure if you’re required to log study table hours? Here are the general guidelines:

  • All freshmen – 3 hours study table per week in first semester
  • After first semester of freshman year, by cumulative GPA:
    • 8-1.99 – 1 hour of tutoring plus 3 hours study table per week
    • 0-2.29 – 3 hours study table per week, tutoring recommended
    • 3-2.49 – 2 hours study table per week
    • 5-2.74 – 1 hour study table per week
    • 75+ – no study table required

Your coach/graduate assistant coach will let you know what their expectations are for study table hours. See the Student-Athlete Handbook for additional details.

Contact Us

Phone: 1-304-384-6088
Fax: 1-304-384-5341
Email: support@concord.edu

Student Center Room 202
Campus Box D-124
PO Box 1000
Athens, WV

If you have questions relative to tutoring, please contact Beth Sampson, Academic Coordinator