Tutoring Services
What comes to mind when you think about tutoring? Someone explaining a concept to you or coaching you through a difficult equation might come to mind. Not only do our well-trained and well-qualified tutors at Concord do that, they are also available to help students develop independent study skills, practice problem-solving, identify the most effective study strategies for exams, and leverage impactful learning techniques for success in class.
Tutoring services are free to all students and are available in multiple formats throughout the day. In fact, online tutoring is available 24-7! We know usual business hours might not work for all students, and we are happy to schedule in-person tutoring after business hours.
Check out the different types of tutoring available and how you can access tutors below. We are here to help you succeed in whatever way we can!
Drop-In Tutoring

Any Concord student enrolled in classes is eligible to go to free drop-in tutoring sessions. Drop-in tutoring is available in the Learning Center – Marsh Library mezzanine. Due to this “open door” style of tutoring, multiple students can be assisted in multiple subjects throughout the day. Appointments are not necessary.
Our drop-in tutoring schedule can be viewed by clicking HERE or through Penji. Learn more about Penji in our FAQs section below!
Peer Tutoring

Peer tutors encourage and assist students in reaching their academic potential. Tutors are selected based on their command of an academic subject area and strong interpersonal skills. Students chosen to be tutors have excellent study skills and habits enabling them to offer practical suggestions for academic achievement. Peer tutoring is available for approximately 130 classes!
Need specific help with writing? All students have access to free peer tutoring and more through the Writing Center located in Marsh Hall 307. Visit our Writing Center webpage to learn more!
Online Tutoring

Concord students have access to 24/7 online professional tutoring FREE through tutor.com! Access tutor.com through any of your courses in Blackboard.
Additional online tutoring services include:
Grammarly: a free digital writing assistant to help you communicate clearly and effectively.
Khan Academy: a free online resource with over 3,200 videos with instruction on a variety of subjects.
Drop-In Tutoring & Peer Tutoring
Have a favorite tutor or would like to schedule a time to see a tutor in-person? We can do that! Just follow the steps below:
- Download or access the Penji app on your mobile device, or go to web.penjiapp.com
- After logging in, click on Learn
- Your current course schedule will display, and you will be prompted to to choose the class for which you are seeking tutoring
- Select from the tutors who offer tutoring for the class, and the days/times they tutor
- That’s it! If you wish, you can give the tutor a head’s up that you are coming
Don’t see a time that works for you? Contact us and we’ll be happy to arrange a tutoring session for you.
Online Tutoring
Good news! Access to online tutoring is available 24 hours a day,7 days a week through tutor.com. Just follow the steps below:
- Access the course for which you would like to receive tutoring in Blackboard
- Click on the tutor.com icon
- You’ll be taken to the tutor.com interface for your course
- Follow the prompts, and you’ll be connected to a tutor!
Contact Us
Phone: 1-304-384-6088
Fax: 1-304-384-5341
Email: support@concord.edu
Student Center Room 202
Campus Box D-124
PO Box 1000
Athens, WV
If you have questions relative to tutoring, please contact Beth Sampson, Academic Coordinator