Deciding to join a University student organization offers many opportunities and allows you the chance to make a difference both on and off campus. Certain facilities and services are available to student organizations to enhance their efforts to be successful members and contributors to the campus. For assistance or further information, please come by the Student Center Office, Jean & Jerry Beasley Student Center, Room 203. Pages linked under student organizations are not maintained by Concord web services. It is the responsibility of each organization to maintain its own website. Concord web services maintains the right to suspend, disable, or delete any out-of-date web site or any web site which has not renewed its contract for this academic year. All organizations that are active on campus must submit a current officers and faculty sponsor form to the Student Center Office at the beginning of the fall semester. Organization information is subject to change. ALEF (Appalachian Leadership and Education Foundation) – A non-profit organization funded by foundations and companies, ALEF supports and enables young men and women from Appalachia to pursue higher education through scholarship and leadership curriculum. The program includes an emphasis toward the preparation required to be the leaders of the next decade. For more information, email Bonner Scholars – The Bonner Program provides a scholarship to students in exchange for weekly commitment to intensive and meaningful service with a local community organization over the four years as an undergraduate student. The program is designed to transform not only the students who are directly supported by the program, but also the campus and community in which they serve and learn. For more information visit the Bonner page on this site. Alpha Psi Omega – Founded to develop talent and stimulate interest in all aspects of theatre. Any undergraduate is eligible for membership. American Chemical Society (ACS) – Concord’s Chapter of the ACS exists to afford an opportunity for students of a chemical science to become better acquainted, to secure the intellectual stimulation that arises from professional association, to obtain experience in preparing and presenting technical material before chemical audiences, to foster a professional spirit among the members, to instill a professional pride in the chemical sciences, and to foster an awareness of the responsibilities and challenges of the modern chemist. CATSA (Concord Athletic Training Student Association) – Open to all students enrolled in the Athletic Training Program and/or seeking more knowledge in the Athletic Training field. Concord Social Work Organization – Combining fun and fellowship with service and governance. The primary purpose of the organization is to give the students an opportunity to organize on their behalf. Future Business Leaders of America – Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) is a student organization open to all students and majors. FBLA empowers young minds with the knowledge, skills, and confidence needed to excel in business and beyond. FBLA members develop critical leadership, communication, and teamwork abilities that will serve them throughout their academic and professional journeys through engaging workshops, competitive events, and networking opportunities. Join us as we embark on a journey of growth, innovation, and success. For more information, contact Allison Bean. Hopper-Turing Society – This club provides support to students majoring in technical fields, including offering programming workshops, social and learning events, and inspiring networking to gain connections in the tech industry. For more information, email Lonnie Bowe PATCH (Pre-professional Association Towards Careers in Health) – A department organization to provide CU students the resources necessary to make knowledgeable decisions concerning future careers pertaining to any healthcare profession. For more information, email David Chambers Psi Chi – International honor society whose purpose shall be to encourage, stimulate, and maintain excellence in scholarship of the individual members in all fields, particularly in psychology, and to advance the science of psychology. For more information, email Rodney Klein Sigma Zeta – National Undergraduate Honor society for Natural Sciences, Computer Science, or Mathematics majors who have completed at least 25 hours, have at least a 3.0 gpa in Science and Mathematics, and a 3.0 gpa overall. Sigma Zeta encourages and foster scholarly activity and recognizes academic scholarship in the natural and computer sciences and mathematics. For more information, email Darla Wise Alpha Chi – National Honor Society found in 1922 to recognize and promote academic excellence among college and university students of all disciplines, to encourage a spirit of service and leadership, and to nurture the elements of character that make scholarship effective for good. For more information, email Rodney Klein Blue Key Honor Society – Founded November 27, 1924, it is a premier honor society that recognizes college students at senior institutions of higher education for balanced and all-around excellence in scholarship, leadership, and service. The Blue Key Honor Society bases its eligibility for membership on all-around leadership and integrity in student life, high scholastic achievement, and service to others. For more information, email Shawn Allen Cardinal Key National Honor Society – For students of at least junior status who are leaders in the university community and who are deemed potential leaders in the future lives. Members must be full-time students with a minimum GPA of 3.25. For more information, email Delta Mu Delta – A Business Honor Society that recognizes and encourages academic excellence of students to create a community that fosters the well-being of its individual members and the business community through life-time membership. For more information, email Pi Sigma Alpha – National Political Science Honor Society and is formed to recognize excellence in academic achievement by undergraduate and graduate students in the fields of political science, government, international and public affairs; to stimulate scholarship and interest in political science; to promote worthwhile curricular and extracurricular activities related to political science; to promote civil dialog; and to engage in any other activities that further these purposes. The Student Activities Committee consists of students and the Director of the Student Center. This group works hard to bring Concord great programming at very reasonable prices. Events include comedians, special interest speakers, musicians, game shows, free giveaways, educational seminars, etc. All students are encouraged to join SAC to give input into the scheduling so that we offer a wide variety of interesting entertainment events to the entire Concord community. Contact Carolyn Worley for more information. BCM (Baptist Campus Ministry) – A faith based organization open to all students with the mission of sharing the gospel, helping develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and provide opportunity for Bible study, worship and prayer. For more information, email Collegians for Christ – A ministry who loves Jesus Christ and desires to serve Him. Our focus is on cultivating a deeper love for God and His Word. We desire to follow Jesus Christ unashamedly in today’s world while connecting with other college student to make lasting friendships. For more information, email Concord Cheer – To promote interest, enthusiasm, sportsmanship, and cooperation among the student body of Concord College toward the Intercollegiate Athletic Program. For more information, CU Gamer’s Lounge – A non-competitive gaming club where students can meet like-minded, fellow game-loving friends and participate in game nights and social events. Anything from tabletop games to video games, this organization plays it all. The goal is to give students some fun times with friends. CU Prevention & Recovery Organization – Supports students in recovery by promoting a healthy, balanced, and meaningful life on campus through activities centered around health, wellness, adventure, community, service, and fun. The goal of this organization is to provide the support and resources necessary for students to thrive in their recovery and develop meaning and purpose as they move forward in life. Learn more about CUPRO here! CU Sportsman Club – The CU Sportsman Club promotes, educates, and establishes sportsmanship while emphasizing conservation of natural resources. For more information, contact Andrew Barbera. International Club – Organization open to any student with the purpose of integrating international students into the University environment by organizing activities and to show and educate University students, faculty and parents about the diverse culture. For more information, contact Nancy Ellison Student Veterans Association Vine & Branches Campus Ministry – Student organization to create Christian community and teach the Christian faith. Young Democrats – Purpose is to engage the students of Concord University in the political process at the local, state, and federal levels, regardless of where a given student’s views lie on the political spectrum. The organization will achieve its goals with the aid of the Mercer County Democrats, but will not rely upon the county party to further its agenda. We, the students of Concord University, being fully aware of the responsibilities, obligations, rights, and privileges we possess as members of the Concord University Community, do hereby promise to maintain an organization to represent student interests, opinions, and actions at Concord University. For more information, check out the SGA webpage!Student Organizations
Concord University is comprised of many elements, and one of the most important is the various student organizations that add so much to the diversity of the campus.
Deciding to join a University student organization offers many opportunities and allows you the chance to make a difference both on and off campus. Certain facilities and services are available to student organizations to enhance their efforts to be successful members and contributors to the campus. For assistance or further information, please come by the Student Center Office, Jean & Jerry Beasley Student Center, Room 203. Pages linked under student organizations are not maintained by Concord web services. It is the responsibility of each organization to maintain its own website. Concord web services maintains the right to suspend, disable, or delete any out-of-date web site or any web site which has not renewed its contract for this academic year. All organizations that are active on campus must submit a current officers and faculty sponsor form to the Student Center Office at the beginning of the fall semester. Organization information is subject to change.Student Organizations
Concord University is comprised of many elements, and one of the most important is the various student organizations that add so much to the diversity of the campus.