Center For Teaching And Learning
The Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) enhances the teaching and learning experiences offered through Concord University. It provides free professional development opportunities which help:
- Faculty continue to develop and improve the craft of their teaching and mentoring of students, whenever and wherever it occurs.
- Faculty provide high quality learning experiences for students, based upon current professional best practices.
- Faculty and staff enhance the quality and successful outcomes of student learning experiences and academic pathways by identifying and providing campus resources which support student efforts to accomplish their academic goals at minimal cost to the university.
The Center for Teaching and Learning:
- Provides workshops and one-on-one consultations on campus.
- Encourages discussions about pedagogy.
- Supports bringing outside speakers to campus on CTL related topics.
- Identifies campus resources related to the mission and provides this information to campus.
- Coordinates the filming of classes for self- and peer-evaluation.
- Archives materials and resources from its workshops on the CU Intranet.
The Center for Teaching and Learning indirectly assists Concord University in carrying out its mission and goals. It does not serve in an evaluative role of faculty, staff, or students and it does not provide academic credit.