Center for Academic and Career Development (CACD)

CACD Mission

The Center for Academic and Career Development works with students individually to help achieve their academic, personal, and career goals. We work in collaboration with each student to develop good study skills and to enhance academic success.

In the summer of 2019, Concord University’s Academic Success Center (ACS) merged with Career Services to form the Center for Academic and Career Development (CACD). Under the administrative purview of Student Affairs, the CACD is a “one-stop-shop” for students requiring support services. The CACD provides direct and referral services for tutoring, advising, financial aid, payment issues, housing, and other impediments that interfere with academic progression.

Specifically, the CACD provides the following services, either directly or through referral:

  • Academic advising for undecided majors
  • Academic coaching for all freshmen
  • Coordination of the online tutoring program, piloted in 2008-09 with continued use through the present
  • Drop-in tutoring (view tutoring schedule)
  • Coordination and evaluation of UNIV 100 CU Foundations course and UNIV 400 Peer Mentor course
  • Coordination of the Parents Club
  • Counseling and interviewing students who withdraw from the University
  • Liaison services for students with Admissions, Business, Registrar, Financial Aid, and Technology Offices
  • Participation/organization of early advising efforts for incoming students
  • Resources for faculty/staff

Career Services

Marsh Hall 323

Student Support Services

Student Center 202

Want to refer someone to the Center for Academic and Career Development?

Let us know if someone needs our help! Any faculty, staff, parent, or student can fill out our Student Affairs Referral Form, and we’ll take it from there.

Located in Student Center 202, the Center for Academic and Career Development (CACD) is a one-stop-shop for student needs — whether it is assistance with coursework, advising, financial aid, major/career exploration, or another reason, we’re here to help! We offer a wide variety of free services, which are designed to equip you with strategies and resources you can use to:

  • Succeed in your courses
  • Become a confident and independent learner
  • Develop productive and effective study and learning habits
  • Manage your time
  • Reduce stress and anxiety
  • Explore and determine your major
  • Return to good academic standing
  • Achieve your goals and earn a CU degree

We encourage you to stop by and visit us!

Sharon Manzo and Katrina Matney pictured at the Concord University 4.0 Luncheon , hosted by the Center for Academic and Career Development (CACD)

Meet The CACD Staff

The staff at the CACD are committed to helping all CU students achieve success! You can reach us at, or by contacting one of the individual staff members listed here:

Bennett, Heather
Bennett, Heather
Administrative Associate
Email Me
King, Tricia
King, Tricia
Director of Student Support Services
Email Me
Scott, Darrick
Scott, Darrick
Director for Student Success
Email Me