Planned Giving

Change is an inevitable part of all of our lives. Being able to give back to Concord through estate planning is something we all have the ability to do. What we leave behind when our days come to an end can make a lasting impact on those we love and the causes we care about. A planned gift to Concord can be a game changer for the school and the students it serves. Planned Giving plants a seed that will grow into something lasting and meaningful over time, allowing you to support Concord now and into the future without giving a large outright gift. Planned Giving also offers tax savings to donors.

Why should I consider a planned gift to Concord U?

Giving a planned gift to Concord plants a seed that will grow into something lasting and meaningful. It provides you with the opportunity to support Concord now without giving a large outright gift. Planned gifts offer substantial tax savings to donors and provide a promise of future funding for CU.

Your planned gift can be designated towards any of the following areas:

  • Affordability and Accessibility (Scholarships)
  • Campus Projects
  • Endowed Chairs
  • Area of Greatest Need

Types of Planned Gifts

The following is a list of some of the most common planned gifts that donors give to non-profit organizations:
Bequest, Appreciated Securities, Life Insurance, Real Estate, Personal Property, Retirement Plans, IRA Rollover, Charitable Gift Annuity, Pooled Income Fund, Remainder Unitrust, Remainder Annuity Trust, Lead Trust, Retained Life Estate, Bargain Sale

Dr. Rosemary Goss“When my parents passed away my husband and I began a scholarship at Concord in their honor. As mid-life professionals, we did not have a large amount of money to give, but knew that if we included Concord in our estate plans we could not only add to the scholarship, but enhance additional learning opportunities for students. Twenty four years later we know that was the right decision.
Including Concord in our estate plans was our way to say, Thank you, Concord.

– Dr. Rosemary Goss, ’74

The CU Foundation is excited to announce the creation of the 1872 Society. Membership in the 1872 Society is open to anyone who lets our office know that Concord is included in their estate plan. Individuals can notify our office of their intent by submission of this electronic form (click here) or by sending documentation of the inclusion via postal mail to the following address:

Concord University Foundation
P.O. Box 1405
Athens, WV 24712

  • Evelyn Blake ’45
  • Dr. Kendra Boggess
  • J.D. and Lisa Carpenter ‘93
  • James Edens ’80
  • Dr. Rosemary Goss ’74
  • Rebecca J. Monk
  • Louis Tripodi, Jr. ’60
  • Anthony Woodyard ‘15