The scholarship will be awarded to the son or daughter, either natural or adopted or stepson or stepdaughter, a monetary grant used exclusively by that individual for college expenses as they pursue an undergraduate degree at Concord University. The award shall be for one year given in two semester increments and shall be payable to Concord University toward the recipient’s tuition/fees. The amount awarded shall be determined by the Staff Council in consultation with the Vice President for Development or the Executive Director of the Concord University Foundation, Inc., with consideration given to the return on the principal amount in the account. The funds which support this scholarship are derived from various fundraising projects, contributions, and other sources.

Criteria shall be:

  • Completion of the Federal FAFSA Form
  • Academic Achievement and GPA
  • Date of Application
  • Completion of a 125 Word Essay


2022-2023 Emily Curry, McKenzie Eldridge, Carson Profitt, and Daranique Scott
2021-2022 Carson Profitt and Daranique Scott
2020-2021 Carson Proffitt, Jacob Rutherford, Nicole Rutherford
2019-2020 Anthony Baldwin, Tiffany Blankenship, Madison Burnette, Shannon Jarrell, and Elizabeth Stevens
2018-2019 Anthony Baldwin, Tiffany Blankenship, and McKenzie Eldridge
2017-2018 Anthony Baldwin and Tiffany Blankenship
2016-2017 Anthony Baldwin and Tiffany Blankenship
2015-2016 Nicholas Frey, Wesley Myers, Kaleb Lilly and Michelle Craighead
2014-2015 Megan Frey, Kelley Lilly, and Michelle Craighead
2013-2014 Quinton Brown, Daniel Ellison, Megan Frey and Kelley Lilly
2012-2013 Kelley Lilly, Barry Cline, Kashayla Brown and Megan Frey
2011-2012 Kashayla Brown, Barry Cline, Kelly Ellison, Megan Frey, Joseph Rush, and Chelsa Vaught
2010-2011 Kashayla Brown, Barry Cline, Kelly Ellison, Joseph Rush, Autumn Stella, Chelsa Vaught and Guy Wolfe
2009-2010 Vanessa Keaton, Kelly Beth Ellison, Chelsa Vaught, Guy Wolfe, Barry Cline, Kashayla Brown and Joseph Rush
2008-2009 Guy Wolfe, Joseph Rush, Kashayla Brown and Vanessa Keaton
2007-2008 Laura Ellison, Joseph Rush, Robert Pitzer and Daniel Ellison
2006-2007 Robert Pitzer, Brant Johnson, and Guy Wolfe
2005-2006 Amanda Heaton, Daniel Ellison, and Robert Pitzer
2004-2005 Robert Pitzer, Leanna Mawyer, and Catherine White
2003-2004 Leanna Mawyer and Aaron Gunter
2002-2003 John Vaught and Christopher Mann
2001-2002 Christopher Mann and Terri Hill
2000-2001 Terri Hill and Andrea Webb
1999-2000 Kristie Michael and Terri Hill
1998-1999  Joshua Hitt and George Webb
1997-1998 Terri Hill and Christina Hollins
1996-1997 Joel Weiss
1995-1996 Misty Richardson
1994-1995 Nancy Ferguson
1993-1994 Shiloh Parsons
1992-1993 Nancy Ferguson
1991-1992  Bryan Austin