The Office of Sponsored Programs is always here to assist with any post award questions you may have. We are also here to act as a liaison with sponsor agencies including submitting revisions in scope, no cost extensions, etc. for approval.

Concord University

  • Travel – Please refer to the Travel Procedures for specific instructions.
  • Stipend Requests – Please refer to the Stipend Request Procedures for specific instructions.
  • Disbursements – Follow institutional policies and procedures regarding the disbursement of grant funds.

Research and Development Corporation

  • Travel – Please refer to the Travel Procedures for specific instructions.
  • Stipend Requests – Please refer to the Stipend Request Procedures for specific instructions.
  • Disbursement Request Form – A Disbursement Request Form must be completed and submitted with the appropriate documentation such as invoices, emails or faxes to support the disbursement.

Research and Development Corporation & University

  • Prior Approvals – Prior approvals including re-budgets and no cost extensions always require University internal approval. Should funding agency approval be required, the OSP will forward the request to the agency.

Pre-Award Cost- Costs prior to the effective date the award.  You must notify the OSP if you intend to incur pre-award costs.

Salary Support – Should Effort be committed as a condition of your award, an Effort Projection Form will be distributed to you for completion.  An Effort Certification Report will also be distributed to document expended effort bi-annually.

Subcontracts- Should your award include provisions for a subcontract/award, please provide the following information in order for the subcontract to be written:

Scope of Work– A detailed description of your technical expectations of the subcontractor for this project.

Budget- A detailed budget by line item from the subcontractor to be included in the subcontract document.

Technical Reporting Requirements- Provide the frequency and method (written, phone, fax, e-mail) of reporting from your subcontractor that will enable you to comply with the technical reporting requirements of this award.

Cost Sharing / Institutional Match- If cost share or institutional match has been committed as a condition of your award, please refer to accounting to determine the appropriate account for the charging of cost share expenses.

In-Kind Cost Share- If In-Kind cost share has been committed as a condition of your award, the Principal Investigator is responsible for providing confirmation of any in-kind commitments to the OSP for inclusion in the financial reports.