Perkins Loan Office

The Perkins Loan Office serves as the administrator of the Federal Perkins Loan Fund for Concord University.  The Perkins Loan Office acts as a liaison between the University, the Department of Education and Heartland/ECSI for the duration of the student’s Perkins Loan obtained while enrolled at Concord University.

In the event, a borrower needs to defer or postpone repayment, Heartland/ECSI can assist in selecting the appropriate deferment type and required supporting documentation, if any. Please visit Heartland/ECSI for more information. Select “School Not Listed – Use Standard Form” when the option is presented.

During their final semester at Concord University, all Perkins borrowers are required to complete an Exit Counseling/Interviews.

  • Concord University’s School Code is 91
  • Heartland/ECSI PIN is required

There are certain fields of employment and medical situations that allow a borrower to qualify for cancellation of Federal Student Loans including the Perkins Loan Program. Please visit Heartland/ECSI for more information.

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