The Concord University Pre-Law Mentoring Program provides those students considering a career in the legal system a chance to have real world, academic and professional experiences, unique at the undergraduate level, to better prepare for the challenge of some of the best law schools in the United States. The program is designed to provide students with a foundation in legal research and writing, ethics, and a variety of special topic electives, such as, family law, criminal law, and litigation.

Credit Hours Course Number Course
3 LSPL 101 Introduction to the Legal Studies
3 LSPL 201 Legal Research and Writing
3 LSPL 301 Legal Ethics
3 LSPL 405 Legal Studies Capstone
6 From Area of Emphasis

Students in the LSPL Program are required to choose two courses within an area of emphasis.  Each of the courses listed below is linked to the appropriate page of the Concord University Online Catalog containing a course description.

* indicates a course with a lab component


Credit Hours Course Number Course Name
4 BIOL 302 Cell and Molecular Biology*
3 BIOL 370 Evolution
4 BIOL 401 Genetics*
N/A N/A Genetics Apprenticeship

(assist with summer Institute)


Credit Hours Course Number Course Name
4 BIOL 101 General Biology I*
4 BIOL 102 General Biology II*
4 BIOL 201 Ecology and Field Methods*
3 GEOG 200 Principles of Physical Geography
3 GEOG 300 Sustainable Development
3 GEOG 319 Political Geography
3 POSC 104 American Federal Government
3 POSC 202 State and Local Government
3 POSC 225 Special topics in Political Science
3 POSC 401 Constitutional Law

Research and Writing

Credit Hours Course Number Course Name
3 ENGL 250 Technical Writing
3 ENGL 302 Study of the English Language
3 ENGL 300 English Grammar
2 SOWK 271 IIntro to Academic Research

Child Law

Credit Hours Course Number Course Name
3 SOWK 236 Human Behavior and Social Environment I
3 SOWK 321 Working With Children and Adolescents
3 PSY 205 Child and Adolescent Development

Human Rights

Credit Hours Course Number Course Name
3 HIST 390 Women’s History
3 POSC 329 American Foreign Relations
3 POSC 401 Constitutional Law
3 SOWK 302 Human Diversity

Criminal Behavior

Credit Hours Course Number Course Name
3 PSY 422 Abnormal Psychology
3 SOWK 336 Human Services in Corrections
3 SOC 303 Criminology


Credit Hours Course Number Course Name
3 BGEN 301 Introduction to the Legal Environment
3 BGEN 302 Legal Concepts in Accounting


Credit Hours Course Number Course Name
3 CART 101 Fundamentals of Speech*
3 CART 360 Communications Law
3 SOC 321 Popular Culture

The benefits of the program include the following:

  • Schedule counseling
  • Undergraduate courses meant to introduce the rigors of the law school experience (legal environment, legal research, etc.)
  • LSAT preparation
  • Law school admission and selection assistance
  • Internships
  • Membership opportunity to Phi Alpha Delta Pre-Law Fraternity, International, and participation in National Moot Court competitions


The Concord University Chapter of Phi Alpha Delta Pre-Law Fraternity International is a professional organization that strives to provide opportunity and experience to aspiring Pre-law students. Recently, our PAD Chapter has:

  • Attended PAD’s annual National Pre-Law Conference in Washington D.C., where we participated in the annual mock trial competition placing in the national top ten.
  • Took a tour of the West Virginia School of Law and Georgetown University.
  • Spoke via Skype with Baylor and Richmond University
  • Received valuable information from Richmond University, Washington and Lee, George Mason University, George Washington University, West Virginia University, The University of Virginia, and many others.
  • Hosted a political debate between the Senatorial Candidates for the Sixth District of West Virginia.

Furthermore, Concord University’s Phi Alpha Delta Chapter is a tremendous opportunity for fellowship and interaction with others having similar interests. Our Chapter is not limited to Pre-Law students; we currently have numerous Political Science majors serving as members.  We encourage anyone to get involved with Phi Alpha Delta and see where we can help you go!