Quick Facts About Our Program

  • All lectures and labs are taught by faculty, not graduate students.
  • Small class sizes allow for individual attention in lecture and lab.
  • The program is designed to provide a broad background in biology that prepares students for rewarding careers in the biological sciences.
  • Over 75% of graduating students were accepted to professional or graduate school or obtained employment in biology related careers after graduation.
  • The senior classes over the past three years have scored between the 60th and 65th percentile on the ETS nationally standardized biology exam.
  • Fourth largest major on campus.  Between 20 and 30 students graduate with a Biology degree each year.
  • You will have the opportunity to conduct research with faculty or participate in internships outside of the university.
  • Extensive interaction with biology faculty in and outside of class.
  • Pre-Health Committee that guides you through the process of preparing to apply to health professional school, including medical, dental, and physical therapy school. Click Here for more information on the committee and how it helps pre-health professional students.
  • Medical school at WVU, Marshall University, WV School of Osteopathic Medicine, Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine, Edward Via School of Osteopathic Medicine, Lincoln Memorial-DeBusk School of Osteopathic Medicine
  • Dental School at WVU
  • Optometry School at Indiana University, Ohio State University, University of Pikeville
  • Physical Therapy School at WVU, Marshall University, and Radford University
  • Veterinary School at Virginia Tech and University of Georgia
  • Graduate School at Duke University, Virginia Tech, Clemson University, Coastal Carolina University, Emory University, University of Georgia, William & Mary, Marshall University, WVU
  • Environmental consulting firms in Beckley, WV and Bluefield, WV
  • Secondary education – high school science teachers throughout southern WV and beyond.
  • Research technicians at various biotech companies

“The Biology program at CU rides on an excellent team of professors. Not only are they great teachers, but great people – willing to help you succeed in any way they can. They are a great group who make class, lab, and the Science Dept. picnics fun!” – Rachel McCarty ‘10

“If you are having trouble, or if you just have a question, don’t be afraid to ask your teacher.  All of the Biology professors are here because they love to teach and they all want you to succeed.”  – Holly Overmiller ‘11

“It was really nice going into a new school [Jefferson College of Health Sciences] and actually knowing what the professors were talking about when most of my peers did not, and it was especially nice being able to answer their questions correctly. It was a good feeling being able to recall things like a specific muscle group that I had learned two years ago [at CU]!” — Crystal VanBlaricom ‘10

Recommended course sequence for biology majors (pdf file).

(1) Pre-Professional Biology

(2) Liberal Arts Biology

(3) Pre-Physical Therapy