Physics & Astronomy
Concord offers a physics minor that can be combined with any major. The minor will help you to broaden your knowledge base with respect to physics, including increasing your problem-solving skills and learning about advances in current research.
Because physics is fundamental to all sciences! Modern medicine is based upon advances in nuclear and particle physics – Think X-rays, cancer treatments including particle beam lines and radiation therapy, nanoscience drug delivery, and just about every medical device you can find in a hospital from the ordinary to the extreme. Biophysics is a subfield of biology, geophysics is a subfield of geology, and physical chemistry is rooted in quantum mechanics and modern physics. A minor in physics can help advance your career and increase your aptitude as a scientist.
The Department of Physical Sciences maintains an observatory that is regularly used in our introductory astronomy course, which is a general studies science elective and a requirement for some education programs. The observatory is also used for community outreach.

You don’t have to be a physics major to undertake physics research or participate in science outreach to the public. Chemistry, biology, and mathematics students have worked on research problems in materials science and nanotechnology, and helped to build and develop a muon telescope to detect astrophysical particles with physics faculty. And geology students have worked on problems in geophysics using Concord’s ground penetrating radar (GPR).
Prerequisites for all: Phys 102 or 202, and Math 104
Spring: Upper-level physics elective (3 hrs)
Fall odd years: Phys 325 Computational Physics (3 hrs)
Fall even years: Phys 319 Digital Electronics (3 hrs)
Note: PHSC 219 (1 cr) Lab Research Methods is taught every fall and counts towards the physics minor. MATH 317-318 Math for Physical Sciences is cross listed with PHYS and counts towards the physics minor. Phys 105 Astronomy is taught every semester.
For additional information, contact Dr. Hawthorne-Allen.