The Department of Business Performance page is provided in compliance with ACBSP Conditions of Accreditation Overview, as well as being suported by the institutional research of the institution.

Graduation Rates

*NOTE: Using National Student Clearing House data. Not all institutions participate and submit enrollment files. Data is uploaded in our database once a year, typically around January.

*NOTE: Internships are not required but encouraged for students to pursue. As part of the internship course, the supervising employer completes an internship evaluation. part of the evaluation is based on the intern’s performance related to the degree program learning goals. The goals is to earn a score of 4 to 5 on each evaluation measure.

Retention Rates

*NOTE: This data represents just one declared emphasis. Since changing emphasis elective requirements effective 20-21, the number of students seeking 2 or more emphases has increased 18%.

To assess student learning in core business knowledge, students complete the ETS Major Field text. Our benchmark for the exam score is that our students will perform at or above the overall comparative mean from MFT. Students have met or exceeded the goal for most years. Although ETS has been a great comparative exam for the department, as of Fall 2022, the department moved to Peregrine’s Business Administration Undergraduate Academic Degree Exam. Peregrine provides additional and useful data that will be used to improve upon course content and classroom instruction.