Interdisciplinary Degree in Esports
Esports isn’t only for gamers! The industry is booming with career opportunities, and Concord University will help you tailor your education for the job you want. The Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Studies degree allows you to choose concentrations and options that support your career goals. CU’s new Esports classes will give you the opportunity to work with experienced professionals to prepare you for the ever-changing, exciting field of Esports.
The Interdisciplinary Studies Program at Concord University offers students the opportunity to design a course of study that meets a particular career or professional need not available in a single existing degree program. Scholars recognize that exciting career challenges cut across traditional specialties and demand expertise in more than one subject area.
The BS degree in Interdisciplinary Studies enables students to include as many as four different subject areas. This is not an appropriate degree option for the student who is undecided about a major. However, it is the ideal program choice for the student with a Esports career plan that is multi-disciplinary and includes professional goals that are quite specific.
The Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Studies – Esports requires the successful completion of 120 semester hours including: (1) the General Education Program; (2) the Esports Courses listed below; (3) HR Management or General Management; and (4) at least one Elective option.
Suggested General Education Program
(39-40 credit hours)
- ENGL 101 Composition and Rhetoric I (3)
- ENGL 102 Composition and Rhetoric II (3)
- COMM 101 Fundamentals of Speech (3)
- ENGL 203 World Literature I (3)
- PHIL 361 Biomedical Ethics (3)
- ART 106 Basic Computer Graphics (3)
- BGEN 105 Introduction to Business (3)
- PSY 101 General Psychology (3)
- SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology (3)
- BIOL 101 Biology: Theme (4)
- GEOG 200 Digital Earth (3)
- MATH 103 College Algebra (3) (Pre-Requisite for Option 2)
- P ED 101M Personal Wellness (2)
Esports Classes
(9-12 hours)
- ESPT 101 Introduction to Esports (3)
- ESPT 301 Esports Industry (3)
- ESPT 450 Esports Internship (3-6) *
*Students will complete at least three (3) credit hours of internship for the degree, but no more than six (6) credit hours of internship in their senior year.
Students should select either HR Management or General Management below based on their career goals in Esports. Students interested in directing, coaching, or managing esports teams/leagues should complete Management Concentration One: HR Management. Students interested in producing, casting, or managing esports teams should complete Management Concentration Two: General Management.
Management Concentration One:
HR Management (24 credit hours)
- ACCT 205 Principles of Accounting I (3)
- MGT 305 Principles of Management (3)
- MGT 308 Human Resource Management (3)
- MGT 401 Compensation Management (3)
- MGT 406 Staffing (3)
- MGT 407 Organizational Leadership (3)
- MGT 408 Training and Development (3)
- SPT 425 Sport Facilities and Operations Management (3)
Management Concentration Two:
General Management (24 Credit Hours)
- ACCT 205 Principles of Accounting I (3)
- MGT 305 Principles of Management (3)
- MGT 306 Organizational Behavior (3)
- MGT 308 Human Resource Management (3)
- MGT 314 Entrepreneurship I (3)
- MGT 405 Organizational Theory and Design (3)
- MGT 407 Organizational Leadership (3)
- MGT 410 Business Ethics and Social Responsibility (3)
Additionally, students will choose at lease one other discipline from the options below to total 120 credit hours for the degree:
Note: Completion of the Interdisciplinary degree program requires a minimum of 120 credit hours. Students are encouraged to take electives that meet their career or professional goals.
Required GPA: Overall GPA of a 2.0 with a minimum GPA of 2.5 in each selected discipline.