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Master of Social Work
The Master of Social Work program (MSW) was accredited in June 2015. The MSW program is completely online and prepares graduates for advanced generalist social work practice with a specialization in rural practice. Using a conceptual framework to identify advanced knowledge and skills, the program builds an advanced curriculum from the generalist content. In the advanced curriculum, the generalist content is focused in the context of rural practice and is addressed in all four dimensions – knowledge, values, skills, and cognitive and affective reaction – and supports the Program’s advanced generalist social work practice with rural specialization (CSWE, 2017)
The Mission of the master program is “to prepare graduates for advanced generalist social work practice with a specialized area in rural practice. The MSW Program is built upon a systems approach and the strengths perspective, delivered in a manner that meets the needs of students that live and/or work primarily in rural areas.”
The Master of Social Work program’s goals are derived from the programs mission statement. They are identified as follows:
Students will demonstrate the ability to:
- Conduct advanced social work practice, with a rural concentration, which operates from a systems and strengths perspective with the ability to respond to varying rural contexts, including diversity and difference and to engage, assess, intervene, and evaluate at all levels including individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities.
- Think critically and examine issues within the rural context while applying knowledge from both a person-in-environment and human behavior perspective to determine appropriate methods of intervention and to communicate these in an ethical manner utilizing the strengths of rural settings.
- Utilize an advanced reflective and developmental approach to practice.
- Apply an advanced critical and analytical approach to practice that incorporates the unique culture and systems within rural settings and includes engaging in research-informed practice and practice-informed research.
- Use advanced knowledge and skills in analyzing rural social policies and promoting change in rural settings through the development of more just and humane policies as they affect clients, social workers, and service systems.
- Address the uniqueness of issues of human rights, mechanisms of oppression, discrimination, and social, economic, and environmental justice in order to improve the social, economic, and environmental well-being of clients within rural settings across all levels of practice (micro, mezzo, and macro).
If you are interested in our MSW program, please fill out our form here to request more information.
Application Deadlines
Fall Deadline – April 15 | Spring Deadline – November 15
Students without a BSW are required to complete the Standard Generalist Curriculum and then the student may enter the Advanced Generalist Curriculum.
Students with a CSWE accredited BSW granted within the past seven years (with a 3.0 GPA in Social Work classes and a 2.75 overall GPA) may apply directly to the Advanced Year (Advanced Standing).
Sixty (60) semester credit hours are required for graduation from the generalist program and thirty six (36) semester credit hours are required for graduation from the advanced program. There are two start dates fall and spring. If entering in the Generalist Year, the Master of Social Work can be completed in two (2) calendar years of full-time study. A part-time schedule is available which can be completed within three (3) years or in a maximum of four (4) calendar years of structured part-time professional education. If entering in the Advanced Year, the Master of Social Work can be completed in one (1) calendar year of full-time study. A part-time schedule is available which can be completed within one-and-one-half (1 ½) years or in a maximum of three (three) calendar years of structured part-time professional education.
The Concord University MSW Program cannot grant social work course credit for any life experience and/or work experience.
Students transferring from another CSWE accredited MSW Program may request to have a maximum of six (6) credits from the generalist year transferred. In order to be considered, the course description must match the MSW courses offered at Concord University, and the courses must have been completed within the last two years previous to applying to Concord University’s MSW Program.
Transcripts and course descriptions will be reviewed by the faculty as to appropriateness on an individual basis. Only courses with a grade of a “B” or “A” are considered. Credits are generally not accepted for the advanced generalist year of course work, given the program’s specialization in rural practice.
Standard Generalist Curriculum (24 Credit Hours):
- SOWK 501 Intro to Generalist Practice (3)
- SOWK 511 Generalist of Human Behavior and Social Environment (3)
- SOWK 521 Generalist of Policy (3)
- SOWK 531 Generalist of Practice (3)
- SOWK 570 Generalist of Research (3)
- SOWK 560 Generalist Field Practicum (6)
- SOWK 620 Special Topics (3)
Advanced Generalist Curriculum (36 Credit Hours):
(To be completed by students in both the Standard Generalist Program and the Advanced Generalist Program)
- SOWK 613 Advanced Human Behavior and the Social Environment in Rural Settings (3)
- SOWK 622 Advanced Policy in Rural Practice (3)
- SOWK 633 Advanced Rural Practice with Individuals, Families, and Groups (3)
- SOWK 634 Advanced Rural Practice with Communities and Organizations (3)
- SOWK 670 Advanced Rural Research (3)
- SOWK 660 Advanced Field (A, B, and C) (9)
- SOWK 661 Appalachian Culture, Structures, and Environment (3)
- SOWK 620 Special Topics (9)
Progression Plans
- MSW Generalist Progression Plans -Fall (Full-time) (PDF)
- MSW Generalist Progression Plans-Fall (Part-time) (PDF)
- MSW Advanced Progression Plans- Fall (Full-time) (PDF)
- MSW Advanced Progression Plans-Fall (Part-time) (PDF)
- MSW Generalist Progression Plans – Spring (Full-time)(PDF)
- MSW Generalist Progression Plans – Spring (Part-time)(PDF)
- MSW Advanced Progression Plans – Spring (Full-time)(PDF)
- MSW Advanced Progression Plans – Spring (Part-time)(PDF)
Licensure Body by State
State | State Licensure Body | MSW Program Meets Licensure for State | Psychopathology Required for LICSW | Other Clinical |
Alabama | Alabama State Board of Social Work Examiners | Yes | No | |
Alaska | Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development, Division of Corporations, Business and Professional Licensing | Yes | No | |
Arizona | Arizona State Board of Behavioral Health Examiners | Yes | No | |
Arkansas | Arkansas Department of Health | Yes | No | |
California | Board of Behavioral Sciences | No | Proof of completion of 12-Hour California Law and Ethics Course.
Suicide Risk Assessment and Intervention Provision of Mental Health Services via Telehealth Child Abuse Assessment and Reporting in California Human Sexuality Aging, Long Term Care and Elder/Dependent Adult Abuse Spousal/Partner Abuse Assessment, Detection, and Intervention Alcoholism and Other Chemical Substance Abuse and Dependency California Cultures and the Social and Psychological Implications of Socioeconomic Position |
Colorado | Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies | Yes | No | |
Connecticut | Connecticut State Department of Public Health | Yes | No | |
Delaware | Division of Professional Regulation – Board of Social Work Examiners | Yes | No | |
Florida | Florida Board of Clinical Social Work, Marriage & Family Therapy, and Mental Health Counseling | Yes | Yes | Eligible applicants must have completed a graduate program which emphasizes direct clinical patient or client health care services including, including, but not limited to, coursework in clinical social work, psychiatric social work, medical social work, social casework, psychotherapy, or group therapy.
The applicant’s graduate program must have included all of the following coursework: If the applicant’s graduate program was not a program which emphasized direct clinical patient or client health care services, the supervised experience requirement must take place after the applicant has completed a minimum of 15 semester hours or 22 quarter hours of the coursework required. A doctoral internship may be applied toward the clinical social work experience requirement. A licensed mental health professional must be on the premises when clinical services are provided by a registered intern in a private practice setting. An applicant from a masters or doctoral program in social work which did not emphasize direct patient or client services may complete the clinical curriculum content requirement by returning to a graduate program accredited by the Council on Social Work Education or the Canadian Association of Schools of Social Work, or to a clinical social work graduate program with comparable standards, in order to complete the education requirements for examination. However, a maximum of 6 semester or 9 quarter hours of the clinical curriculum content requirement may be completed by credit awarded for independent study coursework as defined by board rule. |
Georgia | Board of Professional Counselors, Social Workers, and Marriage & Family Therapists | Yes | No | |
Hawaii | Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs Professional & Vocational Licensing Division | Yes | No | |
Idaho | Idaho Board of Social Work Examiners | Yes | No | |
Illinois | IDFPR | Yes | No | |
Indiana | Indiana Professional Licensing Agency | Yes | Yes | Eligible applicants must have completed a graduate program providing clinical experience required Sec. 3.1. (a) Except as provided in subsection (b), a graduate program is considered to have emphasized direct clinical patient or clinic health care services if the graduate program meets the following requirements: (1) Required coursework in clinical social work and related areas such as psychiatric social work, medical social work, social case work, case management, psychotherapy, group therapy, and any other coursework accepted by the board. (2) Required a supervised field placement that was part of the applicant’s advanced concentration in direct practice, during which the applicant provided clinical services directly to clients. (3) Required completion of twenty-four (24) semester hours or thirty-seven (37) quarter hours of clinically oriented services courses in the theory and research of human behavior and social environment and practice methods. However, if the graduate degree was obtained before October 1, 1990, and the applicant submitted an application under section 3 of this chapter (before its repeal) before July 1, 1999, twenty-one (21) semester hours or thirty-one (31) quarter hours in clinically oriented services are required. Not more than six (6) semester hours or nine (9) quarter hours of the clinically oriented services courses may be from independent study coursework. If the applicant’s transcript does not clearly identify the content of the coursework, the applicant shall submit a syllabus, a course catalog description, or other documentation that describes the coursework. (b) An applicant who graduated from a graduate program that did not emphasize direct patient or client services may complete the clinical curriculum requirement by returning to a graduate program allowed under section 2(1)(B) of this chapter to complete the education requirements. (c) Coursework that was taken at a baccalaureate level does not meet the requirements under this section unless an official of the graduate program certifies that the specific course, which a student enrolled in the same graduate program was ordinarily required to complete at the graduate level, was waived or exempted based on completion of a similar course at the baccalaureate level. |
Iowa | Iowa Department of Inspections, Appeals, & Licensing | Yes | No | |
Kansas | Kansas Behavioral Sciences Regulatory Board | Yes | Yes | Eligible applicants must have completed 15 credit hours supporting diagnosis or treatment of mental disorders with use of the American psychiatric association’s diagnostic and statistical manual, through identifiable study of the following content areas: Psychopathology, diagnostic assessment, interdisciplinary referral and collaboration, treatment approaches and professional ethics. |
Kentucky | Commonwealth of Kentucky Board of Social Work | Yes | No | |
Louisiana | Louisiana State Board of Social Work Examiners | Yes | No | |
Maine | Maine State Board of Social Worker Licensure | Yes | Yes | Eligible applicants must have completed: 1 graduate course on Personality Theory focused on normal growth and development 1 graduate course on Personality Theory focused on adult psychopathology AND 4 graduate clinical methods courses in practice with individuals, couples, families, and groups OR 3 graduate clinical methods courses and 1 additional course in personalityAlso 12 hours of course work in family or intimate partner violence |
Maryland | Maryland Department of Health: MD Board of Social Work Examiners | Yes | Yes | Eligible applicants must have completed 12 academic credits of clinical course work from an accredited program with a minimum of six of the 12 academic credits obtained in a Master’s of Social Work program. “Clinical course work” means clinical social work courses offered by an accredited or provisionally accredited program |
Massachusetts | Board of Registration of Social Workers | Yes | Yes | |
Michigan | Michigan Board of Social Workers | Yes | No | |
Minnesota | Minnesota Board of Social Work | Yes | Yes | Eligible applicants must have completed the 148E.055 License Requirements: Subd. 5. Licensure by examination; licensed independent clinical social worker (a)(2) has completed 360 clock hours (one semester credit hour = 15 clock hours) in the following clinical knowledge areas: (i) 108 clock hours (30 percent) in differential diagnosis and biopsychosocial assessment, including normative development and psychopathology across the life span; (ii) 36 clock hours (ten percent) in assessment-based clinical treatment planning with measurable goals; (iii) 108 clock hours (30 percent) in clinical intervention methods informed by research and current standards of practice; (iv) 18 clock hours (five percent) in evaluation methodologies; (v) 72 clock hours (20 percent) in social work values and ethics, including cultural context, diversity, and social policy; and (vi) 18 clock hours (five percent) in culturally specific clinical assessment and intervention; (b) The requirement in paragraph (a), clause (2), may be satisfied through: (1) a graduate degree program accredited by the Council on Social Work Education, the Canadian Association of Schools of Social Work, or a similar accreditation body designated by the board; or a Doctor of Social Work from an accredited university; (2) graduate coursework from an accredited institution of higher learning; or (3) up to 90 continuing education hours, not to exceed 20 hours of independent study as specified in section 148E.130, subdivision 5. The continuing education must have a course description available for public review and must include a posttest. Compliance with this requirement must be documented on a form provided by the board. The board may conduct audits of the information submitted in order to determine compliance with the requirements of this section. |
Mississippi | Mississippi Board of Examiners for Social Workers and Marriage and Family Therapists | Yes | No | |
Missouri | Missouri Division of Professional Registration | Yes | No | |
Montana | Montana Board of Behavioral Health | Yes | No | |
Nebraska | Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services | Yes | Yes | Eligible applicants must have completed the 94-003.01 Initial Licensure requirements: 94-003.01A Requirements: A person applying for a license to practice mental health, must: 1. Have a master’s or doctorate degree of which the course work and training leading to the degree was primarily therapeutic mental health in content as defined in 172 NAC 94-002, and included a practicum or internship. A practicum or internship which is completed after September 1, 1995, must include a minimum of 300 clock hours of direct client contact under supervision;Approved Mental Health Practice Program 1. Accredited Programs The program must also include a practicum or internship as follows: For individuals who completed the practicum/internship after September 1, 1995, the practicum/internship must have included a minimum of 300 clock hours of direct client contact of which 150 clock hours must be face-to-face in a work setting, under the supervision of a qualified supervisor as defined in 172 NAC 81-002. Any artificial situation where a person presents a problem, such as role playing, is not acceptable; or 2. Other Programs: If the program is not accredited by the agencies identified in section 1 above, the Graduate course work, must have an emphasis on the provision of mental health practice, and include coursework in each of the following: a. A supervised practicum or internship: (1) If an applicant completed the practicum/internship before September 1, 1995, the practicum/internship must have been from an approved educational program. (2) If an applicant completed the practicum/internship after September 1, 1995, the practicum/internship must have included a minimum of 300 clock hours of direct client contact of which 150 clock hours must be face-to-face in a work setting, under the supervision of a qualified supervisor as defined in 172 NAC 94-002. Any artificial situation where a person presents a problem, such as role playing, is not acceptable. b. Theories and Techniques: At least 6 semester hours or 9 quarter hours. Courses that cover therapeutic techniques and strategies for human behavioral intervention. This includes major contributions of the biological, behavioral, cognitive, and social sciences relevant to understanding assessment and treatment of the person and his/her environment with emphases on the social systems framework, personality theories and development through the life cycle, and their application. c. Professional Ethics: At least 3 semester hours or 4.5 quarter hours. The application of ethical and legal issues to the practice. Examples are: family law, codes of ethics, boundaries, peer review, record keeping, confidentiality, informed consent, and duty to warn. d. Assessment Techniques: At least 3 semester hours or 4.5 quarter hours. Includes the process of collecting pertinent data about client or client systems and their environment and appraising the data as a basis for making decisions regarding treatment and/or referral. Examples are: ability to make a clinical diagnostic impression, knowledge of psychopathology, and assessment of substance abuse and other addictions. e. Human Growth and Development: At least 3 semester hours or 4.5 quarter hours. The integration of the psychological, sociological and biological approaches within the life cycle. Examples are: awareness of culture, gender, or human sexuality at developmental levels, human behavior (normal and abnormal), personality theory, and learning theory. f. Research and Evaluation: At least 3 semester hours or 4.5 quarter hours. Includes such areas as statistics or research design and development of research and demonstration proposals. g. Undergraduate Courses: Graduate programs accepting an undergraduate course(s) as meeting the course criteria in subsection 2b through 2f will be acceptable. The school must submit a notarized letter, on institutional letterhead, from an authorized person, i.e., the Department Chair of the program, stating the undergraduate course(s) was accepted to meet the educational requirement(s) of the master’s degree. |
Nevada | Nevada Board of Examiners for Social Workers | Yes | No | |
New Hampshire | New Hampshire Office of Professional Licensure and Certification | Yes | Yes | Eligible applicants must have completed the Mhp 304.01 Educational Requirements for Clinical Social Workers: (a) All applicants for licensure shall have a 2-year clinical graduate degree in social work from a school approved by the Council on Social Work Education. (b) Course work for a graduate degree in social work shall be primarily related to clinical social work in content as evidenced by at least 5 of the following areas of study: (1) Theories of personality development, ego psychology, object relations, human behavior and social environment; (2) Methods of casework or clinical interventions, social work practice and direct practice; (3) Theories of cross-cultural development, and race relations; (4) Marriage and family dynamics, family systems, and therapy with children; (5) Group behavior and dynamics; (6) Theories of psychopathology, adaptive, and maladaptive functioning; (7) Chemical dependency and substance abuse; (8) Research methods, including policy practice evaluation; and (9) Internship in a clinical setting, and field placement. |
New Jersey | New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs | Yes | Yes | Eligible applicants must have completed 12 semester hours of graduate level course work in methods of clinical social work practice, exclusive of field placement. The credits may be in any of the following areas of study: (1) Human behavior and the social environment; (2) Diagnosis and assessment in social work practice; (3) Models of psychotherapy or clinical practice (for example, psychodynamic, behavioral, cognitive therapies, task-centered, psychosocial, crisis intervention approaches, etc.); (4) Clinical supervision and consultation; and/or (5) Intervention with special populations; |
New Mexico | New Mexico Regulation & Licensing Department | Yes | No | |
New York | New York State Education Department Office of the Professions | Yes | Yes | Eligible applicants must have completed the Section 52.30 Social Work requirements: b. Programs leading to licensure in licensed clinical social work. In addition to meeting all applicable provisions of this Part, to be registered as a program recognized as leading to licensure in licensed clinical social work, which meets the requirements of subdivision (c) of section 74.1 of this Title, the program shall: 1) Be a program in social work leading to a masters degree which includes at least 60 semester hours, or the equivalent, of graduate study, provided that no more than half of the total semester hours for the program may be advanced standing credit granted for social work study at the baccalaureate level; 2) Contain curricular content, including but not limited to, each of the following content areas: i. social work values and ethics; ii. diversity, social justice, and at-risk populations; iii. human behavior in the social environment; iv. social welfare policy and service delivery systems; v. foundation and advanced social work practice; and vi. social work practice evaluation and research; 3) Include a field practicum of at least 900 clock hours in social work integrated with the curricular content prescribed in paragraph (2) of this subdivision; and 4) Include at least 12 semester hours or the equivalent of coursework that prepares the individual to practice as a licensed clinical social worker, by providing clinical content which emphasizes the person-in-environment perspective and knowledge and skills in the following: i. diagnosis and assessment in clinical social work practice; ii. clinical social work treatment; and iii. clinical social work practice with general and special populations. |
North Caroline | North Carolina Social Work Certification and Licensure Board | Yes | No | |
North Dakota | ND Board of Social Work Examiners | Yes | No | |
Ohio | Ohio Counselor, Social Worker, and Marriage and Family Therapist Board | Yes | Yes | Eligible applicants must have completed 6 semester hours or their equivalent of coursework in the area of human development and behavior which includes the social, psychological, and physiological growth of an individual,
and the effects of growth of a personality in the social environment. (2) Six semester hours or their equivalent of social work practice courses taught by an individual with an advanced degree in social work. Coursework shall include methods of social intervention: casework, group work, community organization and practice, social research, and administration: in addition, three semester hours of coursework or its equivalent in the area of social work research shall be required. (3) Six semester hours or their equivalent in the social welfare and policy area. Social welfare and policy include the history of social welfare; policy development and analysis. (4) Three semester hours or their equivalent shall be required in social work theory which includes the study of the principles, which demonstrate various types of bio-psycho-social interventions. (5) Not less than four hundred clock hours of supervised practicum and/or field experience, with a primary focus on social intervention coordinated by an individual with an advanced degree in social work (6) The program shall reflect a continuous effort to enrich the educational experience by incorporating content on social work professional and legal ethics, and racial ethnic and cultural diversity as well as (7) women’s issues into the curriculum. (8) Social work programs which are accredited by “The Council on Social Work Education” (CSWE)are recognized as qualifying degrees in social work. A degree review/plan is necessary for students. Contact our program for additional help prior to enrollment. |
Oklahoma | Oklahoma State Board of Licensed Social Workers | Yes | No | |
Oregon | Board of Licensed Social Workers | Yes | No | |
Pennsylvania | State Board of Social Workers, Marriage and Family Therapist and Professional Counselors | Yes | No | |
Rhode Island | State of Rhode Island Department of Health | Yes | No | |
South Carolina | Board of Social Work Examiners | Yes | Yes | Eligible applicants must have completed the Section 40-63-240. Licensure requirements; Independent Social Worker – Clinical Practice: (A)(7) Forty-five academic contact hours each of: (a) psychopathology; (b) psychodiagnostics; |
South Dakota | South Dakota Department of Social Services | Yes | No | |
Tennessee | TN Department of Health | Yes | No | |
Texas | Texas State Board of Social Worker Examiners | Yes | No | |
Utah | Utah Commerce Division of Professional Licensing | Yes | No | Eligible applicants must have completed the Utah Administrative Code R156-60a-102 requirements: (3) “Clinical social work concentration and practicum”, “clinical concentration and practicum” “case work”, “group work”, or “family treatment course sequence with a clinical practicum”, “clinical practicum” or “practicum”, as used in Subsections 58-60-205(1)(g) and (2)(d)(ii), means a track of professional education which is specifically established to prepare an individual to practice or engage in mental health therapy.Utah Code Title 58 Chapter 1 Part 2 Section 205 58-60-205. Qualifications for licensure or certification as a clinical social worker (1)(g) have completed a case work, group work, or family treatment course sequence with a clinical practicum in content as defined by rule under Section 58-1-203; Utah Code Title 58 Chapter 1 Part 2 Section 203 |
Vermont | Vermont Secretary of State | Yes | No | |
Virginia | Virginia Department of Health Professions Board of Social Work | Yes | Yes | Eligible applicants must have completed a CSWE-accredited MSW with a clinical course of study, or a nonclinical concentration and completion of the educational requirements for a clinical course of study through a graduate program accredited by CSWE.
18VAC140-20-10. Definitions. 18VAC140-20-49. Educational requirements for a licensed clinical social worker. |
Washington | Washington State Department of Health | Yes | No | |
West Virginia | West Virginia Board of Social Work | Yes | Yes | An eligible applicant must have completed a supervised clinical field placement at the graduate level, or post-master’s clinical training that is found by the board to be equivalent. The applicant must have completed a graduate course in either psychopathology or abnormal psychology or other course found equivalent by the Board. This course requirement may be a part of or in addition to courses completed in the Master of Social Work program.
§30-30-8. License to practice as an independent clinical social worker. (4) Have obtained a master’s degree from a school of social work accredited by the Council on Social Work Education that included a concentration of clinically oriented course work as defined by the board; |
Wisconsin | State of Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services | Yes | Yes | Eligible applicants must have completed a master’s or doctoral degree in social work with a concentration in clinical social work, including completion of supervised clinical field training. In lieu of supervised clinical field training, applicants may submit an affidavit indicating that they have completed 1,500 hours of supervised clinical social work experience in not less than one year within a primary clinical setting, which includes at least 500 hours of face-to-face client contact and is supervised as provided in s. MPSW 4.01 MPSW 3.09 (1)
Clinical field training means a minimum of one academic year in the supervised practice of clinical social work services consisting of assessment; diagnosis; treatment, including psychotherapy and counseling; client-centered advocacy; consultation; and evaluation. Clinical field training does not include indirect social work service, administrative, research, or other practice emphasis. MPSW 2.01 (7) Clinical social work concentration means a course of study with a primary focus on resolving intrapsychic and interpersonal problems by means of direct contact with clients at the individual, small group and family level. A concentration on community or organizational problems, social planning or policy development does not constitute a clinical social work concentration. To qualify as a master’s or doctoral degree in social work with a concentration in clinical social work, the course of study shall include one course in psychopathology and social work and, from among the following, two theory and practice courses: |
Wyoming | Wyoming Mental Health Professions Licensing Board | Yes | No | |
District of Columbia | DC Health | Yes | Yes | Eligible applicants must have completed a minimum of 12 academic credits of clinical course work from a CSWE accredited program is required, with a minimum of six of the 12 credits obtained in a MSW program. |
Guam | Guam Board of Social Work | Yes | No | |
Puerto Rico | Social Work Professionals | |||
Virgin Islands | Government of the U.S. Virgin Islands Department of Licensing and Consumer Affairs | Yes | No |
Contact Information
If you have any questions about the program or the application process, please contact us:

Inghram, C. Scott
Associate Professor - Social Work/Director of MSW Program/Chair Department of Social Work and Sociology
Email Me
Mailing Address
Department of Social Work & Sociology
Marsh Hall 107
PO Box 1000, F42
Athens, WV 24712