Name Change Process FAQ
This is a FAQ page regarding the Name Change Process Form. This form is used to update your preferred name in our systems across campus. Below are some common questions and answers.
What is a Preferred Name?
A non-required first name a student may want to be known by. This does not cover surnames.
What is a Legal Name?
The name as is listed on your birth certificate, license, or Social Security Card.
Where will my preferred name appear?
You will see you preferred name within Blackboard and on class rosters (CourseWeb). This will ensure your classmates and instructor use the name you prefer in conversations and online discussions. Official items, such as transcripts, academic certifications, documents for financial aid, and diplomas will use your legal name.
What are the limitations of Preferred Names?
Use of preferred names are generally for first names only; surnames can be changed only with a legal name change. You cannot use a preferred name for purposes of misrepresentation or fraud. It cannot be used where use of a legal name is required (passport, driver’s license, birth certificate, social security card, diploma, transcripts, financial aid documents, payroll, and other instances where a legal name is required by law or college policy).
Also note that Concord reserves the right not to allow the use of a preferred name if it is considered inappropriate or offensive.
How do I change my Preferred Name?
To change your Preferred Name, please visit and fill out the Preferred Name Change Process MachForm.