Student Location
The U.S. Department of Education’s requirements included in Title IV, 34 CFR § 600.9, 34 CFR § 668.43 and the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (SARA), specify that Concord is required to identify and record the location of its current and prospective students in order to ensure that the University is authorized to provide educational opportunities in that location and for the purposes of individual direct professional licensure disclosures.
All programs that lead to licensure or certification, regardless of whether they are delivered face-to-face or through distance education, must determine the location for a student and provide the student with the related professional licensure disclosures.
Location refers to:
- The physical street address where student is physically living and/or frequently staying while enrolled in courses, programs, field experiences, or other educational activities or;
- The physical address for a site where a prospective student is physically living and/or frequently staying at the time the prospective student applied for admission to CU.
A student’s location address may or may not be the same as their permanent or mailing address. It might be an address for campus housing, such as the address of a student’s residential hall or an off-campus apartment. For example, if a student will be physically located in West Virginia, then their location would be the West Virginia address where they are located. Or if a student is usually located in West Virginia, but this semester they are staying with relatives in Maryland, then the student’s location would be the Maryland address where they are located.
Process for Determining Location
Prospective Students
Location will be determined for a prospective student when the prospective student applies for admission to Concord University and identifies a major that leads to professional licensure or state certification.
Step 1: The University will request the location for a prospective student during the admissions process when a prospective student indicates their intention to enroll into a program that leads to professional licensure or state certification.
Step 2: The University’s application will also include an item requiring the student to indicate their location at time of enrollment (i.e., on-campus or off-campus in West Virginia or off-campus in another state).
Step 3: The University and the program must record and document each prospective student’s location and additional required data as outlined below, prior to the time of initial enrollment in classes. The data must include the following:
- First name, middle name or initial, and last name of the prospective student
- State where the prospective student is physically located, noted as either an abbreviation or full name of the state or territory or the name of the country if the prospective student is physically located outside of the United States
- Identify how and where the student will complete the program (e.g., face-to-face or distance education)
- Name of the program
- Degree/certificate level
- Indication of admission to the University and the program.
Step 4: The data regarding each prospective student’s location must be maintained by the University and the program in a spreadsheet/table format that is compatible with Microsoft Excel software and made readily available upon request for compliance purposes.
Current Students
Location will be determined for current students via the Confirmation of Attendance form that includes a Student Attestation Form for students enrolled in a program that leads to licensure or state certification. Students are required to note any change in location on the Confirmation of Attendance form at the beginning of each semester. The location address will remain in effect unless and until a currently enrolled student officially notifies the university that their location has changed.