We are pleased to welcome our new students to Concord University! One meaningful part of the college experience is the learning that comes from living with others in a residence hall setting. A good deal of adjustment occurs in the transition from high school to college and from home life to residence hall life, and even from freshman to sophomore year. Concord’s Residence Life Staff members are here to help you make personal, social, and academic adjustments in as healthy a way as possible, and to make your living experience both educational and enjoyable. We believe a residence hall is more than a place to relax between classes. Ideally, it is a vibrant and active community, the center of student life. The residence life staff encourages you to develop an awareness of the many opportunities that this special living arrangement presents daily, and challenges you to utilize this setting to increase strength in citizenship and leadership. All unmarried students (traditional age undergraduates) who have not received prior permission to commute are required to reside on campus in the University’s residence halls as long as space is available. Permission to commute is granted only to those students who will reside with their parent(s) or legal guardian(s) in their parents’ primary place of residence within a reasonable driving distance (45 minutes or less according to MapQuest or Google Maps) from Concord University. You can find the Room Reservation Form at www.concord.edu/student-life/residence-housing, or through your MyConcordU Account. Additionally, Off-Campus Exception/Commuter Request Forms may be obtained at the same places. For more information on our Residence Life Program, go to our Housing & Residence Life webpage. There you can find information on our facilities and staff, as well as our policies and procedures within the residence halls. There are also links to lists of items you will need to bring with you (and also leave at home) to be successful in the residence halls. This page also provides links to meal plan selection, room dimensions, and various services provided within your residence hall. If you have any questions or concerns that are not addressed on our webpage, or you would just rather have more personal interaction, feel free to contact us via email at housing@concord.edu or via telephone at 304-384-5231 and any of our staff will be happy to help you. We look forward to helping you have a successful college experience. Sincerely, Khalilah Workfield, Director of Residence Life The initial evaluation of transfer credit will be completed on a course-by-course basis referencing the course title, course level, grade received, and/or supporting course descriptions. Courses required for the major, teaching field, area of emphasis, etc. may be initially accepted as elective credit by the Registrar’s Office but will be modified once written approval is granted by the appropriate department chair. It is the responsibility of the student to provide the necessary evaluation forms and documentation (syllabus for each course in question) to the department chair for the petition review. Credit transferred to Concord University from an in-state institution will have an additional level of evaluation based upon the Core Coursework Transfer Agreement (CCTA) – see Registrar’s page for agreement details. Students transferring credit from an out-of-state institution of higher education will be evaluated in a similar manner and the CCTA will serve as a reference document. Any student denied specific course credit at the department level may petition the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs of Concord University to request a final review at the institutional level. If the appeal for course credit from an in-state institution is not granted by the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, the student then has the right to appeal to the Joint Recommending Committee for Transfer and Articulation at the state level. Any in-state student wishing to utilize the final appeal process at the state level may contact the Registrar’s Office for additional information and forms (registrar@concord.edu or phone 304-384-5236 or 5237). The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) requires that the student authorize the University prior to release of any academic record information to a third party. Students may consent to disclose educational records to third parties at their discretion. Consent is limited to particular instances, as allowed by the student and by law. To facilitate the consent process, students may complete an electronic FERPA release, granting consent to third parties. Students are encouraged to sign FERPA releases in advance for individuals who may need on-going permission, including parents; spouses; legal dependents; employers; and third-party agencies that may need financial aid or grade information. Students may rescind consent or change the type of information to be released through the same process as permitting consent. To allow the release of information electronically, students should follow the steps below: PLEASE NOTE: Information will not be released to an authorized individual without the person knowing the PIN. This is for your protection. Concord University’s Student Accounts Office is available to assist students and their families in managing their financial obligation. Payments can be made at the Student Accounts Office during regular office hours either in person or by phone. Payments can also be made online by visiting the Student Accounts Office website and selecting Online Payments. Please have the student’s Concord ID number (774xxxxxx) available when making a payment. The Student Accounts Office is pleased to offer an installment plan to help students and parents make their education affordable. Payments can be made in monthly installments for tuition, fees, room and board. The initial installment payment must be equal to or greater than 25% of the account balance after application of all financial aid. A one-time, non-refundable service fee of $50 will be added to the initial installment payment. The monthly installment plan requires payments to be made July through October for the fall term and December through March for the spring term. The amount of tuition, fees, room and board assessed is the amount you are obligated to pay. Changes to fees and/or financial aid awards after the initial payment will be reflected in the final payment. Email reminders are sent each month to the student’s MyConcordU email account prior to the payment due date. The Installment agreement is valid for only one semester. A new contract must be requested each semester. Payment plans should be requested by July 8 for the fall term. Students will receive email requests to confirm attendance from the Student Accounts Office through their MyConcordU email account. Financial aid will not be released until attendance is confirmed. Please refer to the billing instructions listed on the back of the student invoice/schedule for more information. Concord has taken the work out of purchasing course materials for you through a partnership with The Campus Store (Follett Higher Education Group). This partnership, the Follett Access Book Program, provides all required course materials to all students each semester. Upon registration for a course, students are assessed $23 per credit hour, and the student is automatically enrolled in the Follett Access Book Program with The Campus Store. The Campus Store will provide written course materials two weeks prior to the start of the term and access to electronic course materials one week prior to the start of the term. Students can opt-out of the program by following the instructions provided by the email communication from The Campus Store at the time of program enrollment. Once a student opt-outs for a semester, they cannot opt back into the program for that semester. Students are automatically re-enrolled during the registration process for each semester. Students are responsible for returning the course materials to The Campus Store at the end of the semester. For more information, please visit our webpage about the Follett ACCESS program. Financial aid refunds are released on a daily basis, as the financial aid awards are posted to the student’s account at BankMobile. BankMobile will send you a notice when funds are received on your behalf and a second notice when those funds have been processed based on your individually selected refund method: ACH to an existing bank account or open a VIBE checking account with BankMobile. BankMobile will send you an enrollment kit, in a bright green envelope, prior to the start of the semester. Follow the instructions to make your refund selection. All students are encouraged to make a selection even if they are not currently expecting a financial aid refund. You just never know when a new or late award could create a refund. Monday-Friday 8:30 am to 3:30 pm More information can be found by visiting our student accounts page. Scholarships and Grants: Direct Subsidized/Unsubsidized Stafford Loans: Federal Work-Study (if awarded): Awarding does not guarantee a job. Available positions can be found on Handshake. After you secure a job and submit the employment forms necessary, your workstudy will be accepted. Additional Resources: Parent PLUS loan – Go to www.studentaid.gov and complete application (parent is borrower). Credit approval is required. If application is denied, an additional Direct Unsubsidized Stafford Loan will be offered to student. Monday-Friday 8:00 am to 4:00 pm Federal regulations require Concord University to establish and apply reasonable standards of satisfactory academic progress (SAP) for eligible students to receive financial assistance under the programs authorized by Title IV of the Higher Education Act. SAP is a federal student aid (FSA) eligibility requirement and is administered by the university in addition to the academic standards of performance required under the Concord University academic progress policy. The SAP policy is reviewed annually by the director of financial aid. Students are evaluated at the end of every academic term. All students are evaluated on three standards: (1) grade point average (qualitative measure), (2) credit hour completion ratio (quantitative measure), and (3) maximum time frame. To maintain eligibility under SAP, students must meet all three standards. Concord’s Intramural Program provides a great opportunity for those who do not have time or the abilities to play collegiate level sports to compete in organized leagues and events. Participating in Intramurals not only motivates participants to exercise through competition but helps develop and maintain a positive self image, stronger social interactive skills, enhanced physical fitness and mental health. Participants are more likely to develop and maintain healthy lifestyles that will last after graduation, and there is some evidence that participants do better academically. Sports include Beach Volleyball, Disc Golf, Flag Football, Dodgeball, Indoor Soccer, 5 on 5 Basketball, 7 on 7 Volleyball, Ultimate Frisbee, Cornhole, Muggle Quidditch, and more. The Intramural Program also helps conduct the Greek Games. For scores, highlights, and other great information follow us at: Facebook: Concord University Recreation & Wellness Concord’s Fitness Center is located in North Towers. Our Fitness Center offers Matrix Equipment, exercise mats, free weights, heavy bag, speed bag, medicine balls, kettle bells, a power lifting rack, and more. It is a great place to work out between classes with your friends. Concord also invites the community to use the Fitness Center free of charge. Students, faculty, staff, and community members may also use the football field, the tennis courts, our beautiful new outdoor track located in Callaghan Stadium and both gyms located in the Carter Center when these facilities are not being utilized by varsity sports teams. The Fitness Center is currently open for all Concord students, faculty, and staff. Monday – Thursday 7:00 AM-10:00 PM Contact the Fitness Center Every student at Concord University has a faculty academic advisor. These are additional academic resources to help ensure student success Center for Academic and Career Development If you are struggling in one—or all—of your courses…The CACD has many resources to help you with your coursework, including: Stop by the CACD office in the Student Center, Suite 1 (ground floor), call 304-384-6074, or email cacd@concord.edu. We would love to help you in any way we can! Student Support Services Each year the Concord SSS program serves and helps 200 qualified students with many things including (but not limited to) finding their way around campus, assigning a peer mentor, registering for classes, tutoring, counseling for academic or social problems, choosing a career, and helping with financial aid and financial literacy. All participants must meet the qualifying criteria of either being first generation, low income, or having a documented physical or learning disability. To apply for SSS you must completion an application. Apply online here! The SSS staff desires to make sure that every one of our students has the support to successfully navigate college. Our goal is to provide academic and support services until graduation. Stop by the SSS office in the Student Center, Room 202, call 304-384-6088, or email support@concord.edu! Beckley students can check with the Beckley office (304-384-5614) or the ASC for resources. Rahall Technology Center Public Safety Officers patrol all campus areas and buildings daily. Uniformed foot and vehicle patrols are utilized, and the University police vehicle is well marked for easy identification by all persons. All Public Safety Officers carry a handheld radio while on duty. The Concord University Office of Public Safety exists to help maintain the safety and welfare of all members of the University community. If students observe a suspicious incident or person, or are the victim of a crime, they should immediately notify Public Safety. Emergency telephones are located behind Marsh Hall, Beasley Center, Parking Lot #19 and Parking Lot #13. Emergency telephones can be identified by the flashing blue light and will provide the user with a direct link to Public Safety or 911 at the press of a button. In case of an on-campus emergency, call 911. CUAlerts provides notifications regarding campus Closures, Delays, and Emergencies. You have been automatically subscribed to this service with the creation of your new Concord account. You can manage your subscription and notification settings by visiting our CU Alerts webpage, and logging in using the MyConcordU option. You may also encourage family and friends to sign up for notifications using the Direct Login option at the URL above. By default, your campus email address is subscribed to both the Campus Emergency and Campus Non-Emergency alert groups. We recommend you log in to manage your alert settings and add your cell phone number for SMS alerts. Optionally you may add additional email addresses or add your cell number for voice alerts. In addition to receiving emergency alerts via email, SMS, and voice, Concord University will push alerts out to the campus website, to the CU Alerts webpage. Contact the Concord University Technology Help Desk at 304-384-5291 for more information. The Emergency Alert System is provided as a free service to our Concord University community. There are two meal plans for residential students. Depending on the meal plan selected, students have a set number of meals for the Dining Hall and a set amount of Flex dollars for use at the food court. The number of meals a student has each week resets every Thursday morning. Commuter students may purchase one of the two block meal plan options to be used in Libby Alvis Dining Hall that includes Flex Dollars for use in the Food Court. Simply swipe your Student ID to pay! Flex Dollars represent a declining balance of money that is loaded to your Student ID Card. In this way, your Student ID Card acts as a debit card. Also, when you pay with Flex Dollars, you don’t pay tax! Block meal plans may be purchased at any time during the school year. Prices and times are subject to change. Libby Alvis Dining Hall: Saturday: Sunday: Foodlab Subway: The Concord Dining website is a great resource to answer any of your questions. Daily menus for the Libby Alvis Dining Hall are provided online, as well as the nutritional information for all menu items. Also, check out our website for dining news and events, information on how to eat well, sustainability, and our catering department. Always stay informed! Please direct all questions about the pricing of residential meal plans to the Concord University Business Office: Phone: 304-384-5212 Always stay connected with us on Instagram! @concorddiningOrientation Guide
To the newest members of our Mountain Lion Family:
Important Residence Life Dates
Transfer of Academic Credit Policy
Important Information on Installment Plans
Confirmation of Attendance
Financial Aid Refunds
Student Accounts Office
Phone: 304-384-5212 or 304-384-5972
studentaccounts@concord.eduAccepting Awards
Office of Financial Aid
Phone: 304-384-6069
Fax: 304-384-9044
Instagram: @cu_intramurals
Twitter: @CUIntramuralsFitness Center
Friday – 7:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Saturday CLOSED
Sunday 3:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Phone Number: 304-384-6347
Facebook: @concordfitness (the best place to learn about important updates, changes in hours, etc.)
The Center for Academic and Career Development at Concord University is a place for students to come for assistance with coursework, advising, financial aid, or other reasons. We are a one-stop-shop and are here to help! In fact, we LOVE to help students.
Tutor.com – FREE 24/7 online tutoring in a variety of subjects. The platform also offers essay review, practice quizzes, study skills resources, test prep resources, career resources and more!
Khan Academy- A free online resource with thousands of videos with instruction on everything from arithmetic to physics, finance, and history and hundreds of skills to practice at your own pace. www.khanacademy.org.
Academic Coaching- free one-on-one assistance with study skills, organized study groups, mentor program;
Drop In Tutoring- Our group of peer tutors are available to help with your classes! With both in-person and virtual options, the schedule is sent out via email and posted on the website at the beginning of the semester. No appointment needed!
The CACD collaborates with students individually to help define and achieve their academic, personal, and career goals.
Student Support Services (SSS) is a federally-funded TRiO grant program that helps students meet the challenges of academic life. All TRiO programs have the same goals—to make college education more attainable and to increase the likelihood of a student’s success.
Non-Emergency Number 304-384-5357
Emergency Number: 911
cupd@concord.eduEmergency #’s
Evacuation Procedures Structural Fires
Response to Active Shooter
Shelter in Place Hazardous (HAZMAT) Release
Inclement Weather
How You will be Notified CUAlert
Meal Plan Options
On Campus Options
Off Campus Options
Hours of Operation
Monday – Friday:
Dining Highlights
Mobile Nutrition App Available for your phone!! Search Campusdish in your app store!Questions?
Monday – Friday 8:30 am-3:30 pm