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Safety and Wellness
Message From the Office of Public Safety
The Concord University Office of Public Safety exists to help maintain the safety and welfare of all members of the University community. Public Safety Officers patrol campus grounds and buildings daily. Uniformed foot and vehicle patrols are utilized, and the University police vehicles are well marked for easy identification by all persons. If students observe a suspicious incident or person, or become the victim of a crime, they should immediately notify Public Safety.
In case of emergency, call 911.
The Office of Public Safety is located in RH108 of the Rahall Technology Center. Contact us at 304-384-5357 or cupd@concord.edu.
Mark Stella
Director of Public Safety
University Police
Message From the Office of Student Affairs
Concord University is committed to protecting the personal safety and property of students, faculty, staff, and visitors. This commitment not only includes campus safety, but also physical, emotional, and relational wellness. Below, we provide wellness information pertaining to many topics important to college students.
Please take the time to familiarize yourself with the information, including on-campus and external support services. If you have any questions or need more information, contact the Office of Student Affairs at 304-384-5231 or studentaffairs@concord.edu. We are here to help!
Anna Hardy
Chief of Students Affairs and Dean of Students
Concord University’s Home Page
The website homepage (www.concord.edu) is updated as information is available.
Concord University Email
An email will be sent to all Concord email accounts.
Concord University Emergency Alert System
In an effort to increase safety and security on our campus, Concord University automatically registers all students for email based emergency alerts to their Concord email address. Any student who has authorized receiving text messages from Concord will also receive text messages when an emergency alert goes out. Alerts are only used for security, safety, and weather-related notices, including campus closures. To adjust any emergency alert settings, please visit www.concord.edu/about/important-offices-and-centers/technology-services/cu-alerts and log in using your Concord username and password. If you have questions about Concord’s Emergency Alert service or wish to submit a support ticket, please visit helpdesk.concord.edu for assistance.
Residence Life
Residence halls have procedures for alerting people in individual halls via resident assistants, phones, and signage.
Local Media
The University works with the news media, radio, TV, newspaper, and Internet to help spread the word.
Personal Safety:
- Avoid walking alone, especially at night.
- Walk in well lighted areas.
- Walk clear of any area with heavy foliage.
- Be alert and aware of your surroundings; even though phone calls might make you feel safer, they actually distract your attention.
- Refrain from propping open residence hall doors.
- Use the viewing porthole provided in each residence hall door.
- Have strangers identify themselves before unlocking any room door.
Personal Property Safety:
- Secure valuables left in your room.
- Print your name on valuables and register items like tablets, laptops, TVs, DVRs, bikes, etc. when appropriate.
- Remember to lock the door(s) and window(s) to your personal room each time you leave and when you are sleeping.
- Lock your room door when you are in the bathroom (traditional halls).
- Pre-plan a course of action in the event of lost or stolen credit cards, checks, or money.
- Do not leave your property unattended.
Vehicle Safety:
- Remove property from plain view.
- Roll up vehicle windows.
- Remove keys.
- Keep your car locked, whether you’re in it or not.
- Park in a well-lit area whenever possible.
- Always heed the fire alarm. If you don’t, you’re risking your life and others who may need to rescue you.
- Know at least two escape routes.
- Only take personal items (e.g. cellphone, purses etc.)
- When exiting a room, close the door behind you. Walk calmly but quickly to the nearest emergency exit. If there is a fire and no alarm, pull the closest fire alarm on your way out.
- If the hallway is filled with smoke, drop low to the ground, cover your nose and mouth with a damp cloth, if possible, and crawl quickly to the nearest exit. If the smoke is overwhelming or fills the entire hallway, return to and remain in your room, and follow the procedures in the section below.
- Never use the elevator during a fire alarm; always use the stairs.
- Always ask someone requiring additional assistance how you can help before attempting any emergency evacuation assistance. Ask how they can best be assisted or moved, and whether there are any special considerations or items that need to come with the person.
- Proceed to the designated Emergency Assembly Area as instructed by Emergency Personnel.
- Faculty in active classes should conduct a headcount of students while in EAA.
- Never reenter a building for any reason; wait until you get the “all clear” from the CUPD, University staff member (i.e. housing, maintenance, etc.), or fire department.
- If you are not able to get out due to thick smoke and fire, you will need to “shelter in place.”
- If you are able, move to a room with an outside window.
- Call 911 if possible and let them know where you are trapped.
- Block the cracks around the door to prevent smoke from coming in.
- Stay by a window where rescuers can see you; rescue in large buildings may take some time.
Responses to an Active Shooter:
- RUN and escape if possible. HIDE if escape is not possible. FIGHT as an absolute last resort (Source: www.ready.gov/active-shooter).
- If outside, move off campus and continue to move away from the threat until you feel safe. Remain off campus until Emergency Personnel advise you it is safe to return.
- Do not use your vehicle. This may result in a traffic jam and will slow Emergency Personnel response time.
- If you are in the immediate area, contact 911 with information (location and description of shooter).
RUN, HIDE, FIGHT resources can be found at www.ready.gov/public-spaces
- If advised to shelter for a HAZMAT incident, immediately seek shelter in the nearest facility.
- Close and lock all windows, exterior doors, and any opening to the outside.
- If possible, move to an interior room above the ground floor with the fewest windows and vents.
- Do not leave the building until authorized by public safety officials.
Refer to the University Catalog for updated information about University policy relating to Inclement weather.
Practice online safety with the following:
- Keep security software current.
- Protect ALL devices connected to the Internet. Automate software updates to defend against known risks.
- Protect your accounts with strong passwords (8+ characters, capital and lowercase letters, one or more numeric character, and a special character).
- Limit the type of business you conduct on Wi-Fi hotspots and adjust security settings to limit who can access your device.
- When shopping, be sure the site is security enabled (https://).
- Do not give out personal information such as your social security and driver’s license number, bank accounts, cell phone number, address, location, etc.
- Be mindful of the pictures you post. Do not post inappropriate pictures. If anything makes you feel uncomfortable, talk to a mentor or authority figure.
The major dangers of using social networking websites include over sharing personal information, location-based services, posting inappropriate or information revealing photos, and the ease of others being able to pretend to be someone else. By doing the following, you will minimize the risks:
- When creating a profile, do not enter all of the information that is requested. Do not feel obligated to put your address and telephone number.
- Choose the “friends only” privacy setting or the strictest level of security.
- Accept requests from only people you know.
- Use caution with links in messages. Only enter account names and passwords directly into your browser. Never enter them through a link in an email or message.
- Do not allow social networking services to scan your email address to find friends.
- Evaluate the site and understand the privacy policy.
- Assume all your posts are permanent. Even if you delete them, someone may have saved them.
- Be careful when downloading third-party applications.
- Unless it is part of your job, do not use social media at work.
- For more information on online and social media safety, visit www.staysafeonline.org
Identity theft is a crime in which an impostor obtains key pieces of personal identifying information such as Social Security and driver’s license numbers and uses them for personal gain. It can start with lost or stolen wallets, stolen mail, a data breach, computer virus, “phishing” scams, or paper documents thrown out by you or a business (Source: idtheftcenter.org).
Cleaning up the wreckage of identity theft is an expensive and laborious process. The following tips will minimize your risk:
- When you must give out your SSN, know if it will be shared and how it will be used.
- Before disposal, shred documents with personal information.
- Place outgoing mail in a U.S. Post Office collection box.
- Know your billing cycle and be aware if a bill fails to show up.
- Review bank statements carefully.
- Protect your financial accounts with strong passwords (8+ characters, capital and lowercase letters, one or more numeric character, and a special character).
- Do not give out personal information by phone or email unless you initiated contact.
- Keep virus and spyware software programs updated.
- Opt out of preapproved credit card offers at 888-5OPT-OUT.
- Order your free annual credit reports at www.annualcreditreport.com or 877-322-8228.
- Add Identity Theft Protection Insurance. Be aware of what your plan covers. Some companies only reimburse you for your expenses in recovering from identity theft and others provide all the work to restore your identity. Some popular companies include Zander Insurance Group, State Farm, Nationwide, and Allstate.
If you suspect your identity has been stolen, immediately put a fraud alert on your credit report, contact any financial institution affected, file a police report, protect your Social Security number by contacting the Social Security Administration at 800-269-0271 and the Internal Revenue Service at 800-829-0433, and, if it was online, report to the (Internet Crime Complaint Center (www.ic3.gov).
Active Bystander Intervention is acting to intervene in a potentially dangerous situation. Bystander intervention is applicable to many situations, including bullying, sexual assault, alcohol and drug abuse, and suicide prevention.
An Active Bystander helps address behaviors BEFORE violence occurs. SAFELY intervene when you see a potentially dangerous, undesirable, or pre-violent situation by doing some of the following:
- Distract the person who is acting inappropriately or aggressively.
- Make certain that the potential victim makes it home safely.
- Grab a friend—or two—to help you intervene.
- Act as if you are with the potential victim, even if you are not.
- Act as if you need to speak privately with the potential victim and lead him/her away to a public place.
Experts term the first six weeks of college as the “Red Zone,” when more sexual assaults occur than any other time during the year. During this time, women, especially freshmen, are considered particularly vulnerable. This is due to several reasons, including: students are meeting new people and trying to fit in; students have less parental supervision and more independence, which may lead to experimentation with alcohol or drugs; and students are adjusting to a new environment.
Concord University is committed to creating a safe environment free from discrimination, sexual harassment, and sexual misconduct. Report unwanted behavior to the Title IX Coordinator (titleix@concord.edu) or complete an online Referral Form found under the Student Life menu on the CU website.
- Get verbal consent from your partner before engaging in any type of sexual activity.
- Sexual assault includes a wide range of behaviors, including various types of unwanted sexual contact (e.g. inappropriate/nonconsensual touching, grabbing, fondling, kissing, etc.).
- Know your sexual limits and communicate them clearly and effectively.
- Use smart, basic safety precautions, such as:
- Don’t go off campus, back to campus, or to someone’s residence with people you don’t know or trust.
- Use the “buddy system.” Stay in a group or with people you know and trust.
- Tell someone where you are going, who you will be with, and when you’ll return.
- Always have a plan for how to get home. Have money for emergencies.
- Keep a charged cell phone with you. Call 911 in an emergency.
- Do not leave a drink unattended and/or accept a drink that you have not poured or mixed yourself. Know your resources and emergency phone numbers.
- Be mindful of your alcohol intake. Know alcohol and drugs can impair the ability to make good decisions. Inhibitions can be lowered with alcohol/drugs.
- Be aware that 90% of sexual assault victims are familiar with the perpetrator.
- Practice Bystander Intervention. Don’t be afraid to intervene, or ask others for help, if you are personally in an uncomfortable situation, or you see someone else potentially in danger (e.g. leaving a party with a stranger, drinking too much, acting unusual, etc.).
Step Up • Speak Up • Look Out For One Another
In an emergency, call 911. If you have been a victim of Sexual Assault, on campus or off campus, please contact the CU Police Department at 304-384-5357, Princeton Community Hospital at 304-487-7000, the Mercer County Rape Crisis Center at 681-282-557 (24 hour hotline) or a CU SART member. Names of SART members, medical services, reporting agencies, and support services can be found on our S.A.R.T. webpage. To take the pledge to end sexual violence, visit www.itsonus.org.
Affirmative Consent is a knowing, voluntary, and mutual decision among all participants to engage in sexual activity. (SUNY) Before engaging in any type of sexual activity – whether it is touching, kissing, or sexual intercourse – it is important to obtain clear and informed positive consent for the act. The following general principles can help provide guidance regarding consent.
- Ask for consent before engaging in any sexual activity.
- The person initiating the sexual act is responsible for ensuring consent is received before proceeding.
- Consent can be verbal or non-verbal, but it must be clearly given without manipulation, force, or coercion.
- Consent to one sexual act does not imply consent for another sexual act. Obtain permission before initiating a different sexual act.
- Do not assume consent is given. Be certain to ask. Silence does not equal consent, nor does lack of verbal or physical resistance.
- Consent can be withdrawn at any time by either partner. If consent is withdrawn, STOP!
- Someone who is intoxicated or otherwise incapacitated cannot give consent. Do not engage in sexual activity with someone who is unable to give consent.
- Consent does not differ based upon one’s sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression.
- Title IX is a landmark federal civil right that prohibits sex discrimination in education.
- Title IX does not apply only to females. Title IX protects any person from sex-based discrimination, regardless of his/her real or perceived sex, gender identity, and/or gender expression.
- Concord University is proactive in ensuring the campus is free of sex discrimination and sexual violence.
- If you have a complaint of discrimination, sexual harassment or sexual violence, contact the Title IX Coordinator.
- All complaints of sexual misconduct involving the University community will be investigated, whether the event occurs on or off campus (e.g. harassment, domestic/dating violence, stalking, sexual assault, etc.).
- Retaliation against someone filing a Title IX complaint is a separate offense and may result in additional charges.
- A no contact directive may be issued under Title IX to protect the complainant. Concord may institute temporary measures during the investigation to ensure the safety of all individuals involved.
- If you are the victim of sexual violence, campus resources are available to assist you. Be familiar with area resources.
Concord University’s Title IX Coordinator is Dr. Joan Pendergast, Professor of Social Work/Chair Department of Social Work and Sociology. Contact information: titleix@concord.edu or 304-384-5289; Marsh Hall, 105B. For more information on Title IX at Concord University, visit our Title IX page.
For more information on Title IX, visit www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/docs/tix_dis.html.
(from BOG Policy No. 37 Nondiscrimination, Sexual Misconduct, and Other Forms of Harassment)
- “Bullying” means repeated and/or severe aggressive behavior likely to intimidate or intentionally hurt, control or diminish another person, physically or mentally on the basis of actual or perceived membership in a Protected Category.
- “Hazing” means acts likely to cause physical or psychological harm or social ostracism to any person within the Concord University community, when related to the admission, initiation, pledging, joining, or any other group- affiliation activity on the basis of actual or perceived membership in a Protected Category.
- “Protected Category” means a category under which an individual falls or is perceived to fall that is protected under federal, state, or local anti-discrimination laws, including race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy), sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, age, marital status, veteran or military status, disability, or genetic information.
- “Sexual Harassment” means any unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal, visual, or physical conduct of a sexual/gendered nature. A form of sexual harassment occurs when submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly as a term or condition of an individual’s employment or academic status, submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis of employment or academic decisions affecting such individual, or such conduct creates a Hostile Environment.
- “Stalking” means a course of conduct (i.e., repetitive and/or menacing pursuit, following, harassment and/or interference with the peace and/or safety of another) directed at a specific person that is unwelcome and would cause a reasonable person to feel fear.
Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior involving a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior may be repeated or has the potential to be repeated. Bullying includes making threats, attacking someone physically or verbally, excluding someone, and spreading rumors. Cyber bullying takes place using electronic technology such as text messages, emails, social networking sites, pictures, videos, fake profiles, etc.
For more information on preventing and responding to bullying, visit: www.stopbullying.gov.
Most people experience feelings of depression and anxiety at some point in their lives. Being let go from a job, losing a loved one, preparing for a test, and other difficult situations can lead to feelings of sadness, loneliness, and nervousness. These feelings are completely normal reactions. However, when these feelings last for a long period of time and interfere with daily activities, professional treatment should be sought.
Depression and anxiety disorders are different, but similar symptoms exist. These symptoms include:
- Persistent sad, anxious, or “empty” mood
- Long-term feelings of hopelessness, helplessness, worthlessness, guilt, and/or pessimism
- Irrational fear or dread
- Rage, irritability and anger issues
- Swinging mood cycles
- Loss of interest in activities and hobbies
- Restlessness and/or irritability
- Feeling of fatigue or lack of energy
- Difficulty sleeping or oversleeping
- Self-harming behaviors
- Appetite, weight, and/or physical changes (ex. headaches, digestive disorders, chronic pain, panic attacks)
- Thoughts of death or suicide
If you think you may have depression, anxiety, or another mental disorder, contact your doctor or health care provider since the disorders are treatable and manageable. Having a list of symptoms, major stresses or life changes, medications, and questions is essential. The CU Counseling Center (304-384-5290) can also be of service. Additional resources for depression and anxiety are found on the next page.
The leading cause of death among college-aged students is motor vehicle accidents. Around 60% of these involve alcohol and/or drugs. Substance abuse is an overindulgence or dependence on an addictive substance. This abuse leads to harmful and destructive behaviors.
The following are signs of drinking and substance abuse:
- Neglecting responsibilities due to using substances
- Taking risks while under the influence and a change in behavior
- Sleeping problems & depression
- Making excuses & alienating friends & family
- Continued use of substances despite knowing the health and other risks
- Signs can be physical, behavioral, and psychological
How do you know if you are addicted? Ask yourself the following questions:
- Do you think about drugs a lot?
- Did you ever try to stop or cut down on your drug usage but failed?
- Have you ever thought you could not have a good time or fit in without the use of drugs?
- Do you ever use drugs because you are upset or angry at other people?
- Have you ever used a drug without knowing what it was or what it would do to you?
- Have you ever taken one drug to get over the effects of another?
- Have you ever made mistakes at a job or at school because you were using drugs?
- Does the thought of running out of drugs really scare you?
- Have you ever stolen drugs or stolen to pay for drugs?
- Have you ever been arrested or in the hospital because of your drug use?
- Have you ever overdosed on drugs?
- Has using drugs hurt your relationships with other people?
If you answered yes to some or all of these questions, you might have an addiction.
Negative consequences can result from excessive drinking and use of substances, including:
- Problems with the law (including arrests and expensive legal costs)
- Health issues, including alcohol poisoning or overdose
- Poor grades, resulting in loss of scholarships and financial aid
- Alienation of family and friends
For more information, visit the National Institute on Drug Abuse at www.drugabuse.gov. The Concord University Counseling Center can help you. To make an appointment, call (304) 384-5290, email counseling@concord.edu, or visit our Counseling Center webpage
Suicide is the second leading cause of death among college-aged students. Knowing the indicators of an impending suicide or suicidal thoughts/behaviors may help save a life. These indicators include the following:
- Depressed mood, feeling hopeless
- Loss of interest in activities, withdrawing from friends, family and society
- Dramatic mood changes, feeling anxious, and/or feeling rage/anger
- Talking about dying
- Using alcohol or other substances to “feel better,” and/or acting reckless
- Recent crisis or loss of loved one
- Self-harming behaviors
- Threats of suicide
- Having a plan to commit suicide
- Feeling like life has no worth
DO NOT WAIT! Ask for help or refer a friend if you think they are suicidal or have made threats to harm themselves.
Help for depression includes the following:
- In an emergency, call 911
- 24 Hour Toll Free National Suicide Prevention Lifeline – 988
- 24 Hour Toll Free Hotline at ulifeline.org, 1-800-273-8255, or text Start to 741-741
- Southern Highlands Crisis Line (located in southern WV) – 1-800-615-0122
- Concord University Counseling Center – 304-384-5290/6087
For more information, visit the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention at www.afsp.org.
The Jed Foundation is a national organization that works to “promote emotional health and prevent suicide among college students.” Concord is linked with the Jed Foundation through a resource called ULifeline.org. ULifeline has many resources to assist students who may be struggling, including a self-evaluation tool, a 24-hour Hotline, Lifeline Chat, Crisis Text Line, Veterans Crisis Line, and more.
The Concord University Counseling Center can help you. To make an appointment, call (304) 384-5290, email counseling@concord.edu, or visit our Counseling Center webpage
The Student Health Center, located on the first floor of Wooddell Hall, 304-384-6355, www.concord.edu/student-life/student-health-wellness/student-health-medical, provides basic level medical care for acute minor illness or injury, and the following services (fees required where indicated):
- PD tuberculin testing (fee)
- Blood pressure monitoring
- Weight monitoring
- Loan of medical equipment: crutches or wheelchairs (fee if not returned)
- West Virginia Family Planning Services
- Testing and treatment of some sexually transmitted diseases
- Community referrals for more extensive medical needs
- Sexual assault counseling and referral
- Throat cultures for strep infections
- Emergency contraception – Plan B (morning-after pill)
- Self-care center
- Pregnancy tests
Services of the Health Center are included in your Student Fees. Your student fees cover the cost of the deductibles, co-pays, and co-insurance. Students are responsible for the costs incurred outside of the Health Center including lab work, x-rays, and prescriptions. All students must present:
- a current validated Concord University ID
- medical card
- current medical insurance information
- physical examinations and immunization reports prior to enrollment
Concord University Student Health Center is a certified participant in the West Virginia Family Planning Program (WVFPP). Services provided through this program are free of charge; enrollment is required. The WVFPP, with the Health Center, provides annual examinations for pap smear and gynecological check-ups. In the event of pregnancy, referrals are made to local providers or the student’s own healthcare provider. Concord University does not offer pre-natal care.
According to a study by Racette et al. (2007), 70% of sampled students demonstrated a significant weight gain, around 9 lbs., during the first two years of college. Many of these students admitted to inactivity and unhealthy dietary behaviors, such as not consuming adequate vegetables and fruits and not limiting consumption of fried and fast foods.
In addition to exercise, eating healthy foods will help you maintain an appropriate weight. Follow these tips for increasing healthy nutrition:
- Drink less soda and sugary drinks: Just one can of soda has 8 teaspoons of sugar. The American Heart Association recommends the maximum added sugar per day is 6 tsp. for women and 9 tsp. for men. Therefore, with only one soda, you’ve reached your recommended maximum! Replace soda and juice with water.
- Cut back on fast and fried foods: Yes, the cheese fries and chicken patties are pretty enticing, but it will be much more beneficial to consume these foods occasionally.
- Consume “super foods”: There are many college budget friendly super foods, including: canned pumpkin , frozen spinach, plain fat-free yogurt, canned beans, apples, steel cut oats, canned tomatoes, broccoli, and frozen blueberries.
- Don’t forget about breakfast. Weight gain is more common among those who skip breakfast. Breakfast calories are more filling and satisfying, leading to a lower calorie consumption overall.
- Watch your alcohol intake. Alcohol has several drawbacks, including a high calorie count.
Concord’s Dining Services has a wonderful website you can use as a resource in your healthy eating endeavor. On this site, you can view menus and compare nutritional information, find wellness education tips such as vegetarian choices and nutrition on a budget, and download the CampusDish app for on-the-go menus and nutrition information. You also have access to news and advice on wellness topics by experts and seasonal ideas, tips, and recipes.
CU’s Dining Services website can be found at concord.campusdish.com.
If you have questions about healthy eating, you can contact a dietitian at askthedietitian@aramark.com or Randy Keaton, Dining Services Director. Follow CU’s Dining Services on Instagram @concorddining. Follow Aramark on Twitter @HearMeAramark and on Facebook under Campus Dining.
Concord University is a member of the Healthy Campus Initiative of the Partnership for a Healthier America. Throughout the year we sponsor initiatives and activities to promote healthy lifestyles. Please join our efforts and let us know if you’d like to be an active member by serving on committees or volunteering for events. Contact Dr. Jill Nolan, Dr. Wes Meeteer, or Student Affairs (studentaffairs@concord.edu).
The transition from high school to college is significant for students. For the first time, students are solely responsible for time management, classwork, and leading a healthy lifestyle. An increase in stress, change in diet, and lack of exercise may contribute to weight gain during undergraduate years. Most of this gain occurs during the first semester, but without an intentional plan, added pounds can mount.
Some helpful tips for managing weight with physical activity include:
- Live actively. Walk or bike to class. Take the stairs. If you commute, park in a lot or space further away than you typically do. During TV commercials, do some push-ups, sit-ups, or yoga poses.
- Get a workout buddy. Having someone to workout with can increase accountability and remind you of your goals. Use an app on your phone that tracks your activity; some even allow you to share with friends as added motivation.
- Create specific time for exercise. Reserve a time block in your schedule to exercise and stick to it! Exercise can become a positive addiction; you won’t feel right if you haven’t exercised that day.
- Use what your school has to offer. Utilize the fitness center, intramurals program, Athens-Concord Walking Trail and class offerings for academic credit. Take advantage of Concord’s free Student Activities offerings.
CU’s Department of Recreational Sports and Wellness
Fitness Center: located in North Towers, 304-384-6275 has a variety of exercise equipment to meet the needs of our campus community.
Intramural Sports: 304-384-6347. Provides a wide range of individual and team activities at both a competitive and a recreational level to students, faculty, staff, and other members of the university community.
Local Community Physical Activity Resources
Mercer County is home to three WV State Parks and several city and county parks. These include Brush Creek Preserve, Camp Creek State Park, City of Bluefield Parks & Recreation, City of Princeton Parks & Recreation, Glenwood Recreational Park, East River Mountain Overlook, Pinnacle Rock State Park, and Pipestem Resort State Park. Paid membership facilities within a short drive or bus ride include the Princeton Health & Fitness Center, CrossFit, Brickhouse Cardio Club, Anytime Fitness, and The Training Edge. Winterplace Ski Resort, Hatfield-McCoy Trails, white water rafting, rock climbing, and a strong Geocaching community provide additional opportunities in Southern West Virginia.
According to Medical News Today, a mere 30% of students get the amount of sleep they actually need. The National Sleep Foundation recommends 7-9 hours of sleep a night for young adults, ages 18-25. If your sleep doesn’t meet those requirements, you might be depriving your body of benefits you didn’t even know you were missing.
Sleep and energy levels significantly coincide. Getting enough sleep is necessary to have a healthy amount of energy throughout the day. When you feel well rested, you will feel better emotionally and physically. If you are consistently getting fewer than 6 hours a night you can build up “sleep debt,” from which it is difficult to recuperate. Sleep is also imperative for crucial cognitive activity. Most of us know that when we sleep our bodies use that time to organize and properly store information. Not getting enough sleep impairs your ability to concentrate, retain information, and learn.
If you have a hard time sleeping or you want to build better sleeping habits, follow these tips:
- Create sleep rituals: Condition your body by always doing the same things every night before going to bed. For example, brush your teeth, turn the fan on, and read before you go to sleep every night.
- Sleep on the left side: Research shows sleeping on your left side improves circulation to the heart, allows the brain to remove waste more easily, takes pressure off the liver, and minimizes symptoms of acid reflux.
- Sleep consistently: Wake up and go to sleep at the same time every day (even on the weekend). This will help you fall asleep and wake up naturally.
- Eliminate harmful habits: Alcohol consumption and smoking can both contribute to your inability to get a good night’s rest.
For more information, including tips, feature articles, and sleep disorders, visit the National Sleep Foundation at www.sleepfoundation.org.
According to The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the most common STD on college campuses is HPV. The second is chlamydia and third, genital herpes. One in every four people under the age of 21 is/has been infected with an STD. The only way to avoid STDs is to abstain from sexual activity. If you are sexually active, you can lower your risk of STDS by being in a long-term monogamous relationship with an uninfected partner and using latex condoms consistently and correctly.
If you are sexually active, get tested every year. If you are diagnosed with an STD, notify your partner. If your partner is diagnosed, make sure you are also tested. Be responsible! Be certain to inform your partner of your condition in advance of having sex.
16 Sexually transmitted diseases can have very serious consequences. STDS can be transmitted through vaginal, anal, or oral sex. The most common STDs include:
- AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome): HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, is mainly transmitted by sexual contact or sharing of needles.
- Chlamydia: Bacterial infection. Can be treated with antibiotics. It can cause serious, permanent damage to a woman’s reproductive system. Symptoms include vaginal discharge for women, burning sensation when urinating, and pain in one or both testicles (less common).
- HPV: Human papillomaviruses (HPVs) are a group of more than 200 related viruses. More than 40 types are easily spread by vaginal, anal, and oral sex. Low-risk HPVS can cause warts on or around the genitals, anus, mouth, or throat. High-risk HPVs can progress to cervical cancer; they are mostly asymptomatic. The HPV vaccine (for both men and women) can prevent most warts and most cases of cervical cancer.
- Genital Herpes: Viral infection. Genital herpes cause painful sores and can be transferred to other parts of your body such as the rectum or mouth. There is no cure for herpes. However, there are medicines that can prevent or shorten outbreaks, making it manageable.
- Gonorrhea: Bacterial infection. Can be treated with antibiotics. It can cause serious, permanent damage to a woman’s reproductive system. It can also cause infections in the genitals, rectum, and throat. Symptoms include vaginal or penile discharge, burning sensation when urinating, pain in one or both testicles (less common), vaginal bleeding between periods, and anal itching, soreness, bleeding, or painful bowel movements.
- Trichomoniasis: Caused by a parasite. It is the most common curable STD and is usually transmitted through genital contact. Most people do not have any symptoms; however, symptoms can include vaginal discharge and a burning sensation when urinating.
If you think you may have an STD, get tested immediately. The CU Health Center provides free testing. The Athens Medical Center, Princeton Community Hospital, and Princeton MedExpress are also located in close proximity to Concord University.
Abstinence is the only way to prevent pregnancy. If you decide to have sex, there are many methods of contraception. The most popular and effective methods include:
- Oral Contraceptive Pill (“The Pill”): Inhibits female fertility using hormones.
- Diaphragm and Cervical Cap: Rubber cups that fix over the cervix.
- Vaginal Ring: A small ring placed in the vagina once a month for three weeks.
- Condom: Thin sheath that covers the penis.
- Female Condom: Thin sheath held in the vagina by two flexible rings.
- IUD: Small T-shaped device inserted into the uterus.
- Implant: A matchstick-sized rod inserted in the arm by a health care provider. Can last up to three years.
- Injection: Shots that last for three months.
- Spermicide: A cream, film, foam, gel, or suppository that contains chemicals that stop sperm from moving. Can be used with other birth control methods to make them more effective.
More information on contraception methods and STDs can be found online at www.plannedparenthood.org and at www.cdc.gov/contraception
Communication is an integral part of everyday life. We rely on communication to gain information and knowledge and express opinions and ideas. Clear communication is important; without it, conflict can arise. Usually conflict is over differences in perceptions, values, ideas, desires, or motivations. To handle conflict in a respectful, positive way and prevent future misunderstandings, do the following:
- Be willing to listen. Often, we are so busy trying to get our point across in an argument that we do not effectively listen to the other person. Being an Active Listener means truly hearing what the other person is saying. This can lessen conflict because the other person feels heard and understood.
- Do not argue using social media. If you are experiencing conflict with someone, it’s best to talk the issue out in person as opposed to over social media. Simply reading from a text, Facebook, Twitter, or Yik Yak doesn’t provide other important social cues, such as body language or tone of voice. It’s easy to misinterpret a written message; the reader may hear a different message than what was intended. It is also too easy to write something hurtful over social media and not to directly face the person.
- Work for a collaborative ending. A Collaborative Ending is a Win-Win scenario in which both parties compromise over the conflict. While this will take time and effort, it is one of the best possible ideas when dealing with a conflict as both parties can feel as though their ideas were heard.
- Place yourself in the other person’s perspective. When conflict arises, it can be worthwhile to think about being the other person. This can be used to gain insight as to why the conflict has arisen. With this insight, a possible solution may be reached.
- Have a mediator. If possible, have a neutral third party act as a mediator for discussions where you think a conflict might arise. This should be someone who is able to understand both sides of the issue and help form a solution best suited to the problem. The mediator should be agreed upon by both parties.
- Show respect and civility. Respect can go a long way when dealing with conflict. Conflict can arise due to a differing opinion, and it is important to remember that not everyone will share the same opinion as you. Be respectful when speaking and listening. This demonstrates to the other person that, while there is a difference in opinion, you are interested in hearing his or her opinion.
- Have positive non-verbal cues. Non-verbal cues are just as important as what is actually said. Positive non- verbal cues include eye contact, open body language (ex. do not cross your arms), and facial expressions.
Conflict is inevitable. However, knowing how to deal with conflict effectively is a skill that can be learned. Doing so is beneficial on many levels: it improves both personal and professional relationships; makes you someone that others seek out as a friend, coworker, and leader; and improves your overall quality of life by reducing stress and anxiety. The next time you find yourself in a conflict situation, practice the previous tips. Learning productive conflict management skills may be one of the most important things you learn!
If you are in the middle of a conflict and need a mediator, contact the CU Counseling Center. Call 304-384-5290 to make an appointment.
Concord University has a number of free resources to assist students, either directly or through referral to off-campus agencies.
If you or a friend needs assistance, please reach out for help! Call 911 in an emergency.
Campus Safety: Room 105, The Rahall Technology Center; Emergency: 911, Non-emergency: 304-384-5357; cupd@concord.edu
CU Counseling Center: FREE counseling services, both individual and interpersonal, for part and full-time students; 304-384-5290; counseling@concord.edu
CU Department of Recreation & Wellness: 304-384-6347; Fitness Center: 304-384-6275; also has information on Intramural Sports and the Game Room
Office of Housing & Residence Life: Room 201, The Jerry and Jean Beasley Student Center; Office hours are 8 am – 4 pm.; 304-384-5231; housing@concord.edu
Office of Student Affairs: Room 201, The Jerry and Jean Beasley Student Center. Office hours are 8 am – 4 pm.; 304-384-5231 or 304-384-5256; studentaffairs@concord.edu
S.A.R.T.: On-campus Sexual Assault Response Team; 304-920-4373 or 304-384-5231
Sean’s Corner: Towers Lobby; A safe place if you are in need of assistance
Athens Medical Center: 304-384-7325; website: www.pchonline.org/about/affiliates/Athens.aspx; 401 Vermillion St./Athens, WV 24712
The Behavioral Health Pavilion Of The Virginias (Psychiatry): 304-325-4673, 24-Hour Crisis Services/Inpatient Referral 304-325-4681, Outpatient Services 304-327-9205; 1333 Southview Dr./Bluefield, WV 24701
MedExpress: 304-425-7615; website: www.medexpress.com/local-centers/west-virginia/princeton.aspx; 277 Greasy Ridge Rd./Princeton, WV 24740
National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-7233, 1-800-787-3224 (TTY); website: www.thehotline.org
Princeton Community Hospital: 304-487-7000; website: www.pchonline.org; 122 Twelfth St./Princeton, WV 24740
Southern Highlands Community Mental Health Center: 24 Hour Crisis Line – 304-425-0122 or 1-800-615-0122; website: www.shcmhc.com; 200 12th St. Ext./Princeton, WV 24740
Ulifeline.org: 24 Hour Toll Free Hotline 1-800-273-8255; or text Start to 741-741; website: ulifeline.org/concord
AWAY WV (Formerly Women’s Resource Center): Confidential assistance for victims of sexual violence; 24-Hour Hotline 304-255-2559; Toll Free 1-888-825-7836; website: www.awaywv.org/
Mercer County Rape Crisis Center: 1-866-645-6334 or 304-825-7867
SAFE (Stop Abusive Family Environments): website: www.safeincwv.org/
WV211.org: A resource directory for organizations offering assistance to families in a variety of situations; Contact www.WV211.org
WV Department of Health & Human Resources: A referral agency for a variety of family needs; Operating Hours : Monday – Friday, 8:30am – 5:00pm; 304-425-8738
Tender Mercies: Provides information on food and financial services; 304-425-2557
Mark’s Place: Provides help for parents in need of supplies for infants; Operating Hours : Monday – Friday, 10:00 am – 12:00 pm; 304-487-6750
KVC Behavioral: Offers assistance with mental health issues; 304-425-2971
Salvation Army: Provides food and financial services; 304-425-2971
Mary’s Cradle: Provides assistance with supplies for infants; Operating Hours : Monday – Thursday, 12:30 pm – 7:30 pm; 304-327-7757
Family Options Providers: Offers parenting assistance and counseling; Operating Hours : Monday – Friday, 8:00 am – 5:00 pm; 304-254-9610
SAFE (Stop Abusive Family Environments): A resource agency offering help with domestic abuse; visit www.safeincwv.org/; 304-320-2547
Child Protect: A victim advocacy center, offering support and counseling; 304-425-2710
REACH Family Resource Center: An agency offering a wide variety of services such as crisis intervention, and support; Operating Hours : Monday – Friday, 7:00 am – 5:30 pm; 304-466-2226
Women’s Resource Center: Provides help with domestic violence, counseling, and other resources; 1-888-825-7836; 304-255-2559
Southern Highlands Community Mental Health: Offers assistance with mental health issues; 1-800-615-0122; 304-425-0122
Rape, Assault, & Incest National Network: A 24 hour hotline for assault assistance; 1-800-656-4673
Legal Aid of West Virginia: Offers legal assistance to low income families; 1-866-255-4370; 304-487-1463