Patricia, Anthony
Title: Associate Professor of English
College: College of Professional and Liberal Studies
Department: Department of Humanities, Safe Zone, University Assessment
Phone: 304-384-5207
Discipline: English
Room: Marsh Hall 305B
Box: D-110
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Patricia, Anthony
Dr. Patricia is Instructor of English here at Concord, who started teaching on campus in 2014. On the Athens campus and at the Higher Education Center (HEC) in Beckley, he teaches Freshman Composition (ENGL 101, ENGL 101C/L, and ENGL 102) and World Literature (ENGL 203 and ENGL 204), as well as special topics courses on Shakespeare and Film, Tennessee Williams, and Harry Potter. His first book, Queering the Shakespeare Film: Gender Trouble, Gay Spectatorship and Male Homoeroticism, was published by Bloomsbury Arden Shakespeare in 2017. His essays have appeared in the following edited collections: Presentism, Gender, and Sexuality in Shakespeare (Palgrave Macmillan 2009), Shakespeare and Emotions: Inheritances, Enactments, Legacies (Palgrave Macmillan 2015), and Adoring Outlander: Essays on Fandom, Genre and the Female Audience (McFarland 2016); as well as in the undergraduate textbook, Literature for the Masses (Kendall Hunt 2015). He also has an essay forthcoming in Exploring Downton Abbey: Critical Essays (McFarland 2017). His current major research projects are: “Screen Shakespeare: A Reader’s Guide to the Essential Criticism,” “Shakespeare After Queer Theory,” and “Shakespeare’s Poetics of Memory.”
Ph.D., M.A., B.A., University of Nevada (2014,2008,2004)