Amy Pitzer

Pitzer, Amy

Title: Director of Special Projects

Department: Advancement Office

Phone: 304-384-5211

Room: Admin 329

Box: D-123

Pitzer, Amy


Amy begin working at Concord University in October of 1987 in the Public Relations Office.

She has served on numerous committees, served on and chaired various search committees including two presidential searches, and has served as a Legislative liaison to the president.

Amy has served as the classified employee representative to the State College System Board of Directors, the Concord University Board of Governors, and has represented classified employees on the Advisory Council of Classified Employees (ACCE) since 1990.  Amy has been an officer every year she has served on ACCE.  Amy has served on numerous personnel-related committees at the State level.

Amy also advised Gamma Beta Phi for more than 15 years and was made an honorary member by that group.  She continued to co-advise for three more years.

Amy also has served as an employee advocate in select grievances at several higher education institutions and presents regular briefings to the Higher Education Policy Commission, the Council for Community and Technical College Education, and the Legislative Oversight Commission on Education Accountability on behalf of the state’s public higher education institutions’ classified employees.


Graduated as valedictorian of Baileysville High School. Several college courses from Concord University.