The Concord University Gap Fund is a grant dedicated to providing small awards to undergraduate Concord students who have high unmet needs or who find themselves in a financial situation that may lead to their dropping out. Many colleges and universities around the country have such funds for students in these difficult economic times. One national report on these new emergency/mini grant funds explains that the rising cost of a college education “often leaves students strapped for cash and without the financial resources necessary to succeed in school and cover their basic needs, such as housing and food. These students are living on the edge, and a financial emergency can derail their dreams of obtaining college degrees. The contemporary financial aid system may not be nimble enough to respond to the nature or urgency of a student’s financial emergency.” This is where the CU Gap Fund helps our students.
- Student must:
- Be a currently enrolled Concord University undergraduate student in at least 12 credit hours;
- Complete a short application including an explanation of the need for the emergency grant (and any relevant documentation). Examples of what constitutes allowable expenses include medical expenses, living expenses, transportation, childcare, schooling cost (not including textbooks); and
- Not exceed the $1000 lifetime limit on CU Gap Funds.
- The CU Foundation will disburse funds to the students
Our goal is to disburse funds within five days of the receipt of the application.
Donations to the CU Gap Fund can be made online through the CU Foundation.