As of July 1, 2024, the State of West Virginia will enact the Campus Self-Defense Act, W. Va. Code § 18B-4-5b, allowing individuals with a current and valid concealed handgun license (CHL) to carry a concealed pistol or revolver on the campus of all public institutions of higher education in WV, including Concord University. As we prepare for the implementation of this law, we are committed to ensuring a safe and informed environment for all members of our campus community.

Members of the Concord University community, including students, faculty, staff, volunteers, and guests, are advised against attempting to monitor or enforce compliance with the statute regarding individuals who carry handguns. The Office of Public Safety, through its certified law enforcement officers, is solely responsible for enforcement, engagement, and inquiry into suspected violations of the statute. If you have any concerns or questions, please contact the Concord University Office of Public Safety for assistance through the non-emergency line at (304) 384-5357 or Please dial 911 if there is an emergency.

Disclaimer: Is it ultimately the responsibility of the individual to know the current laws applied to the specific locations they visit and functions in which they participate in on campus. This webpage is not an authoritative source of law but is offered as a summation of information for our campus community to learn more about the Campus Self-Defense Act.

Residential students are permitted to rent a safe to store their weapon and ammunition under the following conditions:

  • Must be a residential student
  • Must have a valid concealed handgun license and provide a copy of it to the CUPD
  • Must pay $100.00 per semester to the Business Office
  • Must sign the Storage Agreement and provide all requested information

Storage Agreement forms will be made available to students prior to the start of the Fall 2024 semester.

Definition pursuant to W. Va. Code § 18B-4-5b(b)(6):  “Sole occupancy office” means a room with at least one door and walls that extend to the ceiling that is assigned to a single person as his or her workspace.

This subdivision does not authorize a state institution of higher education to prohibit, regulate, or restrict faculty or staff members who hold a current and valid license to carry a concealed deadly weapon from carrying a concealed pistol or revolver in his or her assigned office. As such, you can prohibit individuals from bringing a concealed handgun into your sole occupancy office, but at the same time, you may still choose to carry a concealed weapon within your office. This provision, as stated above, does not prevent you from exercising your right to carry a concealed weapon; this only prevents others from bringing one into your office space.

If you choose to prohibit weapons in your office, please email with the following information:

  • Name
  • Building
  • Office/Room Number

Maintenance will come by to install the 5×7 sign holder outside your office door, and you will be provided with the signage to place inside. The sign will read as follows: “Firearms and Deadly Weapons are prohibited in this office.”

Herbie Atha

  • Instructor: Herbie Atha
  • Location: 822 Dry Hill Road  Beckley, WV 25801
  • Cost: $75.00
  • Contact: Call or text (304) 222-3278
  • Information: Includes certified training, certificate, target practice, and application to obtain a concealed carry permit. Class is approx. 3 hours long with qualified shooting after course has concluded.

T.J. Cochran

  • Instructor: T.J. Cochran (30+ years law enforcement experience)
  • Location: Hinton area or specified location
  • Cost: Depends on number of individuals in attendance, concealed carry course combined with street tactical course is $100
  • Contact info: (304) 860-8284 or
  • Services & Trainings: Firearms Defense Training (Pistol, Shotgun, Rifle), concealed weapons classes, self-defense, & tactical training

Frequently Asked Questions

For additional information or inquiries, please send all correspondence to

Effective July 1, 2024, the Campus Self-Defense Act allows concealed pistols or revolvers, with some exceptions, on the grounds of an institution of higher education. West Virginia law (W. Va. Code § 18B-4-5b) permits individuals with a valid concealed carry license to carry a concealed pistol or revolver on all state higher education campuses. Concord University has enacted policy CU-GA-78, Deadly Weapons and Dangerous Objects, to outline the regulations for possessing deadly weapons and dangerous objects on its property.

Pursuant to W. Va. Code § 18B-4-5b, the Campus Self-defense Act takes effect on July 1, 2024. This law, passed by the West Virginia Legislature and signed by Governor Jim Justice in 2023, permits individuals with a valid concealed carry license to carry a concealed pistol or revolver on the grounds of higher education institutions, with certain exceptions. Concord University and all public higher education institutions in West Virginia must adhere to the Campus Self-Defense Act.

Pistol: A pistol is defined as “a short firearm with a chamber that is integral with the barrel, designed to be aimed and fired using a single hand.”

Revolver: A revolver is defined as “a short firearm with a cylinder containing multiple chambers that align with the barrel in succession for firing, designed to be aimed and fired using a single hand.”

The key phrase in both definitions is “designed to be aimed and fired using a single hand.” Additionally, the pistol or revolver must be concealed on or about your person and carried by a licensed individual.

No. Only individuals with a license to carry a concealed pistol or revolver will be permitted to have these weapons in designated areas, and the weapons must remain concealed. Concord University will continue to prohibit other firearms, deadly weapons, and dangerous objects.

Open Carry: Open carry refers to the practice of carrying a firearm visibly in public. This means the firearm is not hidden and can be seen by others.

Concealed Carry: Concealed carry means carrying a firearm in a manner that is not visible to others. The firearm is hidden from view, typically under clothing or within a bag, and only the person carrying it knows its location.

West Virginia recognizes the right of persons who are 21 years of age or older, not prohibited by state or federal law from possessing a firearm, and United States citizens or legal residents thereof to carry a concealed weapon within the state without first obtaining a concealed handgun license (“CHL”).  This is commonly known as “constitutional carry.”  Although West Virginia is a constitutional carry state, an optional CHL may still be obtained by those persons who are resi dents of West Virginia and desire the benefit of obtaining such license.  Also, for qualified non-prohibit ed persons who are least 18 years of age and less than 21 years of age, state law allows for a provisional CHL as a lawful means to carry concealed handguns.

While West Virginia allows for constitutional carry, having a concealed handgun license can grant individuals additional rights to carry a weapon in places where it might otherwise be prohibited, including certain areas on public college campuses within West Virginia and other states.

See “On the Mark: A Guide to Concealed Handgun Laws in West Virginia” at the following link: A Guide to Concealed Handgun Laws

In West Virginia, applications for concealed carry permits are handled by the sheriff’s departments in the county of residence. Non-residents can submit applications at any county sheriff’s department. See §61-7-4: License to carry deadly weapons; how obtained.

The West Virginia Attorney General’s Office released A Guide to Concealed Handgun Laws in West Virginia in June 2019, which provides extensive information on the state’s firearm regulations.

The University has placed signs in prohibited locations that are conspicuous and posted prior to the entry way. For locations that are temporarily prohibited due to the nature of the event/function, the University will utilize temporary signage for notice and send out emails for certain events to provide prior notice. Ultimately, it is up to the individual who is carrying a concealed weapon to know or research ahead of time and follow the campus policy, CU-GA-78.

According to the approved BOG Policy CU-GA-78, Deadly Weapons & Dangerous Objects, concealed carry will remain prohibited in the following areas across Concord University property after the Campus Self-Defense Act takes effect on July 1, 2024:

  • The Child Development Center located next to South Tower Residence Hall.
  • In all on-campus Residence Halls (Wilson Hall, Mill St. Hall, North Tower & South Tower), except in common areas such as kitchens, lounges, lobbies, and study areas. Guns are NOT permitted inside of residence hall dorm rooms.
  • Within all Public Safety Offices located on the first floor of the Rahall Technology Center.
  • Inside Callahan Stadium (football field).
  • Inside the main gym located in the Carter Center.
  • Inside of the Athletic Training Room located on the bottom floor of the Carter Center.
  • Within all Counseling Center Offices located on the third floor of the Student Center.
  • Inside the Student Health Center located on the first floor of Wooddell Hall.
  • Inside the following high hazardous and animal laboratories:
    • Science Hall
      • 1st Floor
        • S106
      • 4th Floor
        • S403
        • S403A
        • S404
        • S405
        • S405A
        • S406
        • S406A
        • S407
        • S408
        • S409
    • Marsh Hall (Administration Building)
      • 1st Floor
        • A108
        • A108A
        • A108B
        • A108C
        • A108D
        • A108E
        • A108F
        • A109
        • A109A
        • A109B
      • 3rd Floor
        • A322
    • Alexander Fine Arts Center
      • FA104
    • Physical Plant
      • Electric/Plumber Shop
      • Freon Room
  • Inside sole-occupancy offices that have signage indicating weapons are prohibited.
  • Inside any on-campus room where an employee or student disciplinary proceeding is being held.
  • At primary or secondary education school-sponsored functions held in a designated area on Concord University property rented, leased, or exclusively used by the West Virginia Department of Education, the West Virginia Secondary Schools Activities Commission, a county school board, or a local public school.
  • At private functions held in a designated area on Concord University property rented, leased, or exclusively used by an entity, provided that reasonable notice is given to attendees regarding this exception.
  • In an area that has adequate security measures in place to ensure that firearms are not to be permitted into the area. The campus community and public will be provided reasonable notice of any such area.

A “sole occupancy” office is an office where the walls extend to the ceiling, has at least one door, and is assigned to one person as a workspace.

You will need to email and request signage that can be placed outside of your office.

No. If the only access to a potentially allowable space is through a prohibited area, concealed carry is prohibited in the entire area.

Residential students with valid concealed carry permits are permitted to store their weapon in the Wilson Hall Storage area or inside of their locked vehicle. Guns are not permitted within residence hall rooms. The Gun Storage safes are one hundred ($100.00) dollars per semester.

In order to obtain a gun storage locker located in Wilson Hall you will need to complete the Wilson Hall Storage Agreement and upload a copy of your concealed handgun license. Only residential students from Wilson Hall, Mill St. Hall, North Tower, and South Tower will be permitted to store weapons in the Wilson Hall Storage area. Storage Agreement forms will be made available to students prior to the start of the Fall 2024 semester.

No. Residential students with valid concealed carry permits are permitted to store their weapon in the Wilson Hall Storage area or inside of their locked vehicle. Guns are not permitted within residence hall rooms.

Yes, but the item in which you are carrying your concealed weapon must be in your possession (on their person or immediately next to them) at all times.

All individuals who choose to carry a concealed weapon are responsible for making arrangements to store their weapons when they have to be in areas where weapons are prohibited. Individuals are permitted to store their weapons in their locked vehicle.

Weapons are not permitted in residence hall rooms. Please contact the Office of Public Safety 304-384-5357 or the on-call Resident Director 304-384-5979 if your roommate has a weapon in your room. Dial 911 in the event of an emergency.

Openly carried weapons are prohibited on campus. Dial 911 if you see someone openly carrying a weapon, apart from the following persons acting in their official capacity (see Section 2.3(m) of CU-GA-78).

The exceptions set forth in Section 2.3 and the general prohibition against Deadly Weapons or Dangerous Objects do not apply to the following persons, while acting in their official capacity: law enforcement officers or law enforcement officials or chief executives as defined in W. Va. Code § 30-29-1; West Virginia Department of Corrections employees duly appointed pursuant to W. Va. Code § 25-1-11c; federal law enforcement officers or federal police officers authorized to carry a weapon in the performance of the officer’s duty; members of the United States armed forces, reserve, or National Guard; parole officers appointed pursuant to W. Va. Code § 62-12-14; any justice of the Supreme Court of Appeals of West Virginia, circuit judge, retired justice or retired circuit judge designated senior status by the Supreme Court of Appeals of West Virginia, family court judge, magistrate, prosecuting attorney, assistant prosecuting attorney, or investigator duly appointed by a prosecuting attorney; and individuals required to possess the items prohibited by this Policy in order to participate in undertakings sanctioned by Concord University. Additionally, consistent with the Business Liability Protection Act, the prohibitions of this Policy do not apply to legally owned firearms lawfully possessed, out of view, locked inside or locked to a motor vehicle in a parking lot when an individual is lawfully allowed to be present in an area.

Contact the Office of Public Safety at 304-384-5357 or email to provide them with information about your concerns.

No. Only daycare facilities and specific functions under exclusive use of the state Department of Education, the West Virginia Secondary Schools Activities Commission, a county school board or a local public school are exempt. When locations on campus are temporarily prohibited due to the above use, the University will provide signage indicating such.

The Office of Public Safety, through its certified law enforcement officers, will provide periodic trainings on active-shooter situations. Notices will be provided in advance for those wishing to attend.

At Concord University, the Office of Public Safety, through its certified law enforcement officers, will be responsible for enforcement of the statute while University Officials will be responsible for adjudicating violations of the policy. Concerns should be reported to Office of Public Safety or in the event of an emergency dial 911. The Office of Public Safety advises that students, faculty, and staff should not attempt to monitor or enforce compliance with the law for those who carry handguns.

No. Only certified law enforcement officers may question an individual about gun possession under the law. If you have concerns about a specific individual please contact the Office of Public Safety at 304-384-5357.

No, only those areas as designated in BOG Policy CU-GA-78 as prohibited locations are able to prohibit weapons.

Yes. Our Counseling Center is located on the 3rd Floor of the Student Center, Rooms 321-325. They are open Monday-Friday from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. The Counselors prefer that you make an appointment in person, but if you are unable to do so, please make an appointment by calling 304-384-5290 or email See also for more information.

We urge students who are experiencing mental health issues, including suicidal thoughts/ideations (especially those who have means or access to a firearm), to contact our Counseling Center to schedule an appointment. If you need immediate assistance, please review our “Suicide Prevention” webpage,, for a list of 24/7 Toll Free numbers you may call for assistance. There is also local resource information available.

If you feel that having means or access to a firearm while experiencing suicidal thoughts/ideations is something that is causing additional stress or creating an environment outside of your control, please contact the Counseling Center and let them know. The University can provide a gun lock and temporarily take possession of your weapon until you feel that you are comfortable to regain possession. This can only be done on a voluntary basis.

For more information or additional questions that have not been answered by these FAQs, please contact or the following offices: