Concord University requires that all funding / grant proposals, including budget, be reviewed and approved by the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) prior to submission. It is further mandated through state and institutional policy that all agreements are endorsed by an authorized institutional representative. OSP will review only the non-technical aspects of the proposal including all forms and budget documents and facilitate all authorized institutional signatures.

Required Institutional Approvals

In light of these and other requirements, the OSP requires project directors and/or principal investigators complete the proposal routing form, including obtaining requisite signatures prior to the submission of the proposal. If a completed routing form is not received by the submission deadline, the institution may submit the proposal with the understanding that a completed form is forthcoming. In these cases, the institution reserves the right to withdraw the proposal.

Foundation Grants and Funding Requests

For foundation funding / grant submissions, it is integral that you notify the OSP and/or Advancement as early as possible. In all situations, the University must review any active and/planned foundation requests prior to any formal contact with the organization for potential conflicts with institutional priorities. It is recommended that approval is sought prior to any contact. Financial requests without institutional approval are not permitted. In these situations, the institution reserves the right to withdraw the request.

Concord University currently follows all regulations in regards to teaching and research with nonhuman animals. Planning to move our nonhuman animals to an Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) structure is underway; it is expected to go into place in Fall 2019. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the use of nonhuman animals at Concord University, please contact Dr. Adriana M. Falco.

Research involving human subjects must be reviewed and approved by Concord’s Human Subject Review Board. Click here for more information.

To ensure that your proposal is routed quickly through the Concord University Office of Sponsored Programs, submit, by email or hand delivery, a draft budget several days before the proposal is due so that it can be verified. This is important as the OSP is the Authorized Organization Representative who signs and submits proposals on behalf of the University or the Research and Development Corporation.

The following information is provided to assist investigators on the Concord University campus in preparing application cover sheets for proposals. Contact the Office of Sponsored Programs (304-384-5144) for additional information and/or assistance.

Concord University Information:

OSP Address: PO Box 1000 Box D-142 Athens WV 24712-1000.

Employer ID / Federal Tax / Institution Code Number: 55-6000717.

DUNS (Dun & Bradstreet) Number: 00-501-5995

Congressional District: WV-003

Concord University Research and Development Corporation Information:

Corporation Address: PO Box 1000 Box D-142 Athens WV 24712-1000.

Employer ID / Federal Tax / Institution Code Number: 55-0769622.

DUNS (Dun & Bradstreet) Number 83-153-3059.

Congressional District: WV-003

Occasionally, sponsors will provide a budget template or specific instructions for developing the proposal budget. In the case a template is not provided by the agency, you may use the template we have created at the following link: Budget Template

It is important to model the budget narrative after the budget. Each line item listed in the budget should be explained in the budget narrative. For example, if your budget has travel listed at $9,100; then the budget narrative should clearly lay out how the $9,100 will be spent. See example below:

Travel–A significant amount of travel is requested for this state-wide program to allow for face-to-face meetings with partnering organizations, supervisors, and participants. Funds are also requested to defray possible travel costs for participants.

Case Manager (Year One)–In-State travel for face-to-face meetings with partnering organizations, supervisors, and participants. Calculated at 20 meetings that require 200 miles or less round trip. (Mileage @ 200 miles x $0.54 per mile = $108 per trip for a total of $2,160); 20 meetings that require an average of ~300 miles round trip. (Mileage @ 300 miles x $0.54 per mile= $162 per trip for a total of $3,240, Per diem at $35 per day x 20 = $700, Lodging @ $150 per night x 20 = $3,000).

Total Case Manager Travel = $9,100

Total Travel Cost for Project = $9,100

*The Office of Sponsored Programs is available to assist with calculations (i.e. Travel, Stipends, Salaries and Fringe) or any other issues you may have when developing your budget. Budgets must be reviewed by the Office of Sponsored Programs prior to the grant submission.

Action Verb Types – This document is a list of verbs to enhance the vocabulary of a proposal.

Checklist Examples – This form can assist the proposal writer in the preparation and improvement of a complete proposal.

Example of Scales – This document shows examples of ways to format the survey portion of the proposal.

Federal Register Tips – This document shows tips and descriptions of terms that may be seen throughout the proposal process.